Chapter 36: adapting to human life and controling the power

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Louie's POV

Right now I am in the classroom waiting for Frankie and the others to come. Just then Lawrence walks through the door

Lawrence: hey man

Louie: hey

Lawrence: are you ok

Louie: yeah just wondering what it is like to bag a human

Lawrence: why don't you hang with me, zack, summer and Freddy to get to know what we do

Louie: yeah that's a good idea Lawrence

Just then Frankie, zack and fremmer walk into the classroom

Louie: Frankie you can control my powers now

Frankie/ Tomika: only slightly more then yesterday

Louie: Frankie are you going to take up miles offer

Frankie/ Tomika: yeah I'm going tonight

Louie: that's good

Our conversation was interrupted by mr Finn climbing through the window. As soon as he regained his balance he started reaching us math, but he wasn't doing a good job at it

Frankie/ Tomika's POV

Right now I am in Ghost world with miles and ray and they are teaching me how to control Louie's powers. I mean this is easier then I thought, I have no idea why it took louie so long to gain the control he had

Ray: ok Frankie, try levitating these water balloons to the target

Frankie/ Tomika: I remember when Louie did that

Ray: so do I. Just do it Frankie

I then levitate the water balloons to the target and I explode them, just like Louie did when he was showing duke what he could do

Ray: impressive for someone who has only just got her powers

Frankie/ Tomika: thank you I think

Miles: that was a compliment Frankie, you can already control Louie's powers, it took him at least 3 years to get to this point

Frankie/ Tomika: louie was a slow learner

Ray: at least he got there in the end

Just the a ghost girl walks up to us

Ghost girl: do I know you

Frankie/ Tomika: I don't think so, I'm sorta new to the whole ghost thing

Ghost girl: your Frankie Hathaway, louie Preston's best friend

Frankie/ Tomika: that's me, who are you

Ghost girl: that's not important what is is why a human is in ghost world

Frankie/ Tomika: I'm not a human anymore

Ghost girl: you can't just gain ghost powers you have to be born with them

Ray: what was that

Ghost girl: if the ghost council took Louie's powers then they would of taken them and not put them on Frankie

Frankie/ Tomika: what do you mean it's impossible for me to have ghost powers

Ghost girl: so you have anyone in your family that's a ghost

Frankie/ Tomika: not that I know of

Ghost girl: when you see your mom next ask her about it

And with that the ghost girl disappears. I wonder if what she said was true, was I a ghost to begin with or did Louie's powers make me like this. I really need to ask my mom about this

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