chapter 8: a family visit

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Zack's POV

right now I am walking into the classroom to see that the others are there minus Mr Finn of course, he is never on time for school 

Zack: hey guys

Freddy, Frankie/ Tomika, Lawrence, Summer and Louie: hey Zack

Zack: I just realized that we know like nothing about Louie or Tomika, so why don't we play truth or dare

Frankie/ Tomika: I'm in 

Louie: oh no 

Summer: what's wrong Louie

Louie: Frankie's dares are the worst 

Frankie/ Tomika: hey Louie look what I have 

Tomika then brings out a doll and I see that Louie's eyes widen, what can be so shoking about a doll

Louie: I thought you go rid of that

Frankie/ Tomika: oh I did but I got another one made and never told you 

Louie: so that's why weird thing have been happening to me 

Frankie/ Tomika: yep 

Louie: I knew it was you

Freddy: what is it 

Louie: a voodoo doll, the only thing that can control ghosts

Tomika then starts to stretch the dolls arms  and the same thing happens to Louie

Zack: ok that's creepy 

Frankie/ Tomika: you say that about everything 

Summer: because it's true 

Frankie/ Tomika: so we playing truth or dare or what 

Freddy: sure

Louie: Freddy do you always pick dare

Summer: he does yeah, every time

Freddy: it makes the game more interesting 

Frankie/ Tomika: I know right 

Zack: ok I'll start, Tomika truth or dare

Frankie/ Tomika: truth

Zack: who is your best friend 

Frankie/ Tomika: that's a hard on it's either Summer or Louie I can't decide who

Zack: ok 

Frankie/ Tomika: Freddy truth or dare

Freddy: dare 

Louie: oh no 

Frankie/ Tomika: I dare you to run through the hallway in your underwear

Freddy: what are you insane 

Louie: yeah she is I told you guys her dares are bad 

Freddy: (does the dare and comes back embarrassed)

Frankie/ Tomika: someone caught you didn't they 

Freddy: yeah just the whole school 

Frankie/ Tomika, Louie, Summer, Zack and Lawrence: (bursts out laughing)

Freddy: it's not funny guys 

Frankie/ Tomika: it is Freddy 

 Lawrence: I don't think that we should play truth or dare anymore 

Louie: That's a good idea 

Freddy: yeah me too 

Frankie/ Tomika POV 

it was so funny seeing Freddy do the dare, just as we end the game I see my mom and Taylor walking into the classroom.

Taylor: Frankie 

Taylor then hugs me 

Frankie/ Tomika: Taylor 

Summer: so your Taylor, her older sister 

Taylor: that's me who are you 

Summer: Summer, Tomika's best friend

Taylor: Tomika?

Louie: she means Frankie Taylor

Taylor: Louie 

Louie: hi Taylor 

Michelle: where's my baby

Frankie/ Tomika (groans): mom 

Michelle: come here baby

Frankie/ Tomika (groans annoyed): mom 

Zack: so their your family Tomika 

Michelle: Tomika?

Taylor: she means Frankie mom 

Zack: sure

Frankie/ Tomika: and yeah they are. Taylor's on her schools gymnastics team

Taylor: go fighting inchworms 

Summer, Freddy, Zack and Lawrence: inchworms

Frankie/ Tomika: is there a problem guys 

Summer: there are biggest competition 

Taylor: really, I'm the captain of the inchworms 

Zack: so Tomika's sister is the captain of our biggest competition 

Frankie/ Tomika: you guys have a gymnastics team 

Lawrence: yeah you didn't know 

Frankie/ Tomika: no 

Zack: can you do gymnastics Tomika 

Frankie/ Tomika: a bit yeah why

Summer: why don't you try out for the team 

Frankie/ Tomika: I'm not really into competing though 

Taylor: hang on how can they see Louie, do they know he's a ghost Frankie

Frankie/ Tomika: they do Taylor ok 

Michelle: you told them 

Frankie/ Tomika: Summer has the gift and Ray and Miles showed up and I had to tell them mom

Michelle: wait how often do they show up 

Louie: once a day 

Taylor: wow 

as the day went on my mom and Taylor got to know my friends and my friends got to know them. I am really happy I got to see them again, but they have just left. At least I still have Louie with me   

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