Chapter 33: showing duke what louie can do and louie's surprise party

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Louie's POV

I really hope gramps is ok with what I have learnt from Frankie, I really have learnt a lot. Just then I see Frankie walk into the classroom with her hand intertwined with Zack's and then summer, Freddy and Lawrence follow behind them. I think Frankie has noticed that I'm nervous

Frankie/ Tomika: louie relax you'll be fine

Louie: what if I'm not Frankie

Frankie/ Tomika: louie you'll be fine

I then start to clam down. Jut then gramps pops in

Louie: hi gramps

Duke: louie, Frankie

Frankie/ Tomika: duke

Duke: so louie I want you to float these water balloons to hit him

Duke said whilst pointing to Freddy

Louie: you mean Freddy

Duke: sure

I then float the water balloons and I guide them to freddy's face and I burst them using my powers

Duke: ok that was impressive you have complete control over the water balloons

Louie: yeah I've had that control for a while now, ever since me and Frankie pranked-

Duke: pranked

Louie: yeah that's how I learn gramps

Just then ray and miles pop in

Ray: dad

Duke: son did you know-

Ray: louie learns through pranks with Frankie, why do you think I kept them together all these years

Duke: I was wrong louie, you can stay. I'll tell the ghost council that Louie is staying

Louie: thanks gramps

Duke: and one more thing

Louie: yes gramps

Duke: next time you do a scare tell me ok

Louie: I will gramps

And with that gramps leaves

Miles: that was intense

Louie: you can say that again


Frankie/ Tomika's POV

I have jut finished setting up Louie's surprise party, I really hope he likes it. Just then louie pops in

Louie: I got your message Frankie, what did you need to show me

All but Louie: SURPRISE

Louie: Frankie what did you do

Frankie/ Tomika: how did you know I did this

Louie: there's a big sign saying by Frankie

Frankie/ Tomika: what it's key to know who planned all of this

Louie then rolls his eyes and he turned the music up loud with his powers and we all started dancing. I am sitting down as I don't know how to dance, just then Zack comes up to me

Zack: babe come dance with me

Frankie/ Tomika: I don't know how to dance though

Zack then grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor and he intertwines my hand with his and he starts guiding me to some basic dance moves, I think and I start smiling

Summer: ok the music has stopped guys you can stop dancing now

Me and Zack then roll our eyes and Zack peck kisses my lips and I start to blush

Louie: I just love how Zack can make you like this Frankie

Frankie/ Tomika: shut up Louie

Zack then pulls me onto his lap and I snuggle into his chest

Freddy: ok you two are just couple goals

I then blush so I bury my head into Zack's chest. He then brings my head out of his chest and he kisses my lips and I kiss him back

Freddy, Louie, Summer and Lawrence: PDA

Me and Zack then pull away from the kiss, as we are doing this we roll our eyes. I snuggle into Zack's chest again and I feel my eyes getting heavier so I knew that I had fallen asleep

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