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Hey, guys!! If you're looking for something to read, go check out my friend MagnusLikesGlitter, who was previously AzulBlueDiamonds before she changed her username. Check our her stories, please. She is an amazhang person, and just started writing a ship book called Magnus's Book of Ships, so if y'all could check that out, it would be great. And also I helped her write her story Glistening Embers, and I think it's a pretty good book, and that's in the process of getting posted chapter by chapter, but it gets updated every week, and could use the views/comments/votes if you don't mind. She also wrote a THG fanfic, but it was discontinued (sadly), but I mean, you could still read it if you don't care that it's not finished. Oh, and Duffy and Puffy, a totally nonsensical story that we concocted during school and honestly is not a good sign of our mental health. But, yeah, just thought I would promote one of my best friends because she deserves it, you know?
Hope you enjoy her stories,

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