Hello friends

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Hola amigas (and amigos)!! 'Tis me, the author. I know you guys are expecting this to be an actual update. Sorry to disappoint, but this is just me being extremely bored :(   :(   :(

Anywho, well, yeah... hmmmm.... what to write, what to write... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ ah, I have spotted an opportunity!

So, I just wanted to say that you guys are amazhang. I wouldn't have this book if it weren't for you, not at all. You might be saying, "oh, but Artemis! We are just innocent little readers who had nothing to do with this! Don't flatter us!" Well, too bad. You are being flattered, major. Because you guys totally deserve it, 100%. Actually, scratch that. You deserve it 1,000,000%, because that's how great you guys are!!

Now, I shall go into more depth with my thanks. Thanks a ton to TBNR_Waffle for totally supporting this book with your comments and votes!! You are an amazhang person and I'm glad you have enjoyed this book!!

Okay, next!! I know I've already promoted her, but thanks a ton to one of my best friends, MagnusLikesGlitter, for listening to me fangirling (not to mention fangirling with me), even if it's a fandom she's not part of) and also supporting me 100% with any crazy ideas that pop into my brain, not to mention all my ranting :/

Well, there we go. Next thank you goes to my OTHER best friend, ResilienceYT, who ALSO is there to listen to me fangirl. And also puts up with me constantly begging her to read a new series or watch a new show. If it weren't for her, I would be the only one of my friend group who watches Supernatural, and that would get lonely. Fast. Even though my other friends, one of wich doesn't have Wattpad, listen to me rant about it. Oh, and there's also the little thing that both MagnusLikesGlitter and ResilienceYT are totally cool with us randomly bursting into Hamilton songs. Anywhere, anytime, we will sing Hamilton. Even in math class. Yes, it's true, and I admit it with pride.

Also, of course, thank you thank you thank you to all the readers who I didn't mention. Just coz I didn't mention you, doesn't mean that you aren't also a huge part of what makes this book a thing!! If you want, feel free to message me so that we could get to know eachother more, and then maybe I could be given a chance to think you as well!!

Anyway, that's all the thanks I can think of at the moment! I know it sounds weird, but I love all you guys for all the support you give me and hope you can keep reading, voting, and commenting, 'cause it really means a lot to me!!

Thanks a million, wonderful peoples,
Artemis <3

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