chapter ten

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(a year and a half later.)

I’m sitting here in a seat of this church with an hour until I will be married to Val. I’m so nervous so the girls start talking about our previous wedding planning.

It took forever to find the right things for an autumn wedding but hopefully everything will turn out great. The weather is nice, not too cold and not to hot.

Finally my bridesmaids are done with their hair and makeup so they go and get their dresses on. One by one they each come out in a maroon long beautiful dress that Val’s mother Abrielle made.

She also made my wedding gown which is absolutely beautiful. I started crying at the sight of it just hanging up in her living room.

Finally it was time to get my dress on. I slip it on and the girls tie the corset tie on the back. I sigh in relief on how great the satin feels on my skin.

As we are all showing off our gowns there’s a knock on the door before a voice comes through the wood, “ is everyone ready? It’s time to start.”

As everyone goes out to line up in the formation we practiced, I take a few deep breaths do I don’t freak out and pass out on the aisle.

I step out to Madison’s dad who volunteered to take my dead father’s place for giving me to Val. i giggle as the boys mouths drop at the sight of me and Madison’s dad says, “i don’t think I will give you to Val. he won’t know what to do with a girl like you Zayla.”

I laugh and take the arm he is holding out. The music starts for Anna and Madison my two flower girls to start down the aisle and everyone else waits. As we stand behind the doors to wait for everyone to get to the altar I take a few more deep breaths.

Finally the music for me to walk starts and I put a genuine smile on my face and we start down the aisle.

As I look around I see that Val has tears in his eyes as he stares at Anna and Madison. I giggle but as soon as Val’s eyes appear on me the unshed tears fall as he takes in my form.

We reach him and the priest. The priest asks, “who is giving this fine young woman away today?”

Madison’s dad says, “ I am sir.” the priest nods while I take my arm from madison’s dad’s and take Val’s.

I step up to be beside Val and the priest starts. As he says his lines I try to focus but don’t really when Val whispers little things to me.

Finally the priest asks Val to do his vows.

“I, Valentino Bianchi take you, Zayla Vantas, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

The priest nods and asks me to say mine.

“ I, Zayla Vantad take you, Valentino Bianchi to be my lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

He nods and then days, “you may now kiss the bride.”

I turn to Val who immediately kisses me as everyone starts cheering in the background.

I giggle as we pull apart. Suddenly I am holding Anna who had ran and jumped in my arms.

Soon we head out and go to Val’s backyard to where the reception is being held.

Before we enter I let anna down who in returns runs in to announce us.

“Can everyone pretty please with cherry on top stand for my sister and her husband, Mr. And Mrs. Valentino Bianchi!” anna yells.

I giggle while Val laughs but we walk in the tent anyways. As we walk in every person in the tent bursts out in cheers.

As we walk around greeting people I see Anna and Madison running around the tent no doubt playing tag from being bored at the ceremony.

I hear Maxwell announces , “ can the bride and groom please step to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife.”  

I giggle at Val who pulls me to the dance floor. We start slow dancing to A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. Soon enough the song changes to another slow song and other couples join us.

Soon enough Val and I pull away from each other when someone tugged on my dress.

I look down to see Anna and Madison. I pick Madison up while Val picks Anna up and we start saving with them.

After dancing for a little longer we all sit down. As we eat we all talk about everything that happened our senior year skipping over my sensitive parts.

As we laugh Anna and Madison have their own hilarious conversation blocking the adults out. Val is Anna's official big brother now even though on the paperwork we are her foster parents.

Soon enough I hear someone tap their fork on their champagne glass. I look down the tables to see it was Maddox and Stormy.

“We want to do a toast to the new bride and groom.” They say together which makes me giggle.

“We want to wish the best of luck to our best friends. We hope your life together is as great as our high school life was. We love you both but we want god kids soon.” They say and everyone laughs at the last part

Next it was Maxwell and Christa. “Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your life around. Zayla we believe Valentino is your someone. You better treat her like your queen, Val. We love you both.” They say.

By the end of their speech I was crying and couldn't focus on the others as I hug our friends and kiss Val again.

I knew that now our life was absolutely happy and complete.


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Bookshark16 out.

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