Ch 1 Part 2 - The Returning Of Tord

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Tom P.O.V

                      Sitting on this rusty couch , thinking about how many years had past. 10 years. That time when Commie moved in. Argh my fucking head hurts. Maybe I drink too much Smirnoff today. Ok I have to admit it , years had became fucking boring and lonely without Tord. I suddenly hear a knock on the door. Who is here at this time? It's early morning and there is anonymous knock on the door. "Edd? Is that you?" I questioned the person behind the door. No Edd usually sleeps at this hour. "Matt? That gotta fucking be you." There was no response behind the door. Matt is probably not in front of our house right now. Without hesitation , I rapidly opened the door out of curiosity. It was a man. Red hoodie. A robotic arm. Familiar Norway accent. "Hello , old friend." And the scent of cigarettes reminds me of...."Tord?" I interrogated him. I was fidgety , nervous and sweaty. How did he get here? I remembered that time when he almost killed me. I slammed the door shut , locked it so he wouldn't get in and grabbed my harpoon from the floor. I perceived a bang on the door. Another bang. I pointed the harpoon at the door. Ok , calm down Tom. It's just Tord. It's Tord. Instead of calming myself , I made myself panic. Sweat dripping off my forehead , hands are stone cold , and heart beating faster and faster. The door was knocked down in front of me. Teary ears I had when I saw Tord. Shit , I miss him so much. But it's not time to adore his stupid face. "Well , well , well isn't it Jehovas Witness?" Tord smoothed his pistol and smirked at me. Somehow his actions makes me shiver. I feel disgusted , "Commie. Fucking explain yourself. Why are you here?" I commanded a reason while pointing the harpoon at his face. "Why , I'm here to move in with you guys." Tord exclaimed , putting his gun away. "Say. Why don't we talk to each other with no weapons." His suggestion makes me suspicious of him. "No weapons. No fighting. Fucking explain the reason why you asshole want to move in." I sat the harpoon down and listened. Tord , hesitated and looked at the ground. "I'm sorry...for everything." Dripping tears from his face as he kneeled down to me. "I'm so sorry. Please. Forgive me." He gazed at me with blushy cheeks and watering eyes. "I promise I will change. Tom. Trust me...I just want to be friends again...Thomas.." Tord begged and plead. It was the first time he called my real name. I bent down to him. "No. I can't. I won't. And I will never be your friend." This is for the best , I don't want him here. We don't want him here. He will kill us all of I let him stay. Guiltiness but I know it's not safe for us if he stayed....with us. Edd. He watched the whole situation that happened and landed a hand on my shoulder. "Tord....I'm sorry to hear that..Tom please let Tord stay. We need to forgive him. The past is in the past. He will change. I promise." Edd plead. "Edd..." I shuddered at how Edd is pleading. Goosebumps everywhere on my skin. It's either no or yes. If Edd agrees to forgive Tord then....I should too. "Ok. I forgive Tord. But if he lays a hand on a gun and tries to shoot us...I will never forgive him. Ever again." I said with confidence and courage. "I'm going to buy more Smirnoff." I flee to the door and when I had a step outside..."Thank you. Thomas. Thank you so much." Tord thanked me over and over again. I felt glad I wasn't panicking anymore. I also felt satisfaction when I approved Tord to stay. I don't know why but I'm having this emotional tingling feeling inside of me. I don't hate this feeling , I kinda like it actually. Maybe letting Tord stay is the right thing. "No problem." I mumbled , covering my face and dashed away. Why does my face feel so hot right now?

Ok for a little warning : Tom is the bottom bitch. Sooooooo if you like Tord as bottom.. I don't know what to do lol. Thank you for reading! Please send in some comments , it would help so much! <3 And we all know why Tom's face is hot right now lol. My boy is in love~ JK or perhaps maybe. Maybe. *lenny face pasted here* oh and I have another warning that this relationship of Tord and Tom is taking time , it doesn't go VOOM LIKE SONIC so they both still hate each other. For your information Tom isn't in love yet , he is taking time to realize what his tingling feeling is. Tom is just happy that Tord gets to stay because he misses him. That's all lol. Thank you for reading!

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