Ch 2 Part 2 - Roommates

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Tom P.O.V

                     When it was dinner time , Commie and I sat next to each other because Edd forced us to get along to each other. "Hey Tommy-" I cut up his sentence. "Well fuck you. I don't want to hear it." Tord frown and look at the food as I ignore his expressions. Why am I dissatisfied? One , Tord grind into me for no reason. But I have to admit. It did felt good. It's just , I'm not gay for goodness sake. We both hate each other. I mean , sex is only for people who love each other. You can't force someone to have sex. It's just not right. Our dinner night was silent and no one was talking. "Ahem." Matt breaks through the silent and the bad mood. "Edd wants to discuss with you two." Edd immediately stood up and proudly said out loud. "Since Tord and Tom hates each other , we should make them not hate each other and sprinkle some magic to make them be best buddies! So I thought perhaps you two could be , you know. Roomates?" I completely disagree on this suggestion. "No way in hell I'm going to sleep with a murder!" I shouted at Edd , feeling stubborn. Tord yelled back at me. "I'm not a murder anymore , Princess! I am also not sleeping with a fucking drunkard!" Tord gripped the collar of my sweatshirt as I pinch his cheeks. "What did you say about me , Commie?" I kicked his knee and step on his left foot. "Hah , is that the best you could do? Classic Stupid Tom." Tord chuckled at how I didn't even hurt him one bit. "You motherfuckin-" I raged but Edd stopped me. "Tom. Tord. You two , stop fighting. You both are roommates. No buts , ifs , or any excuses." Edd said happily like a mother bird to me and Tord. "You two discuss where to sleep. Okie Dokie?" Tord and I growl at each other as I spoke up. "I'm going to drink some Smirnoff-" Edd pulled me by the arm. "Oh no you're not! You have to discuss where to sleep with Tord , first!" Edd crossed his arms. "But I-" I tried to make a good excuse. "No Tom. No free excuses. No buts nor ifs. Go." Edd commanded and I lazily drag myself to my old room. I glanced behind me and it was Tord. I stepped up to him and pulled his hoodie by the collar so he could bend down and listen to my words. "You asshole sleep on the floor as I sleep on the bed. Got that?" I glared at him and he smirk. "Oh? So you want to be the boss around me now , eh?" He pulled out his index finger and rubbed in the middle of my chest. I flinched. "Yes , commander." Tord smiled , putting away his finger. I let go of his hoodie and blush like crazy. I mumbled. "Fucking pervert."

Time had pasted , Tord slept on the ground with only a pillow and no blanket while I slept on the bed. I gazed at the clock. 12:30 pm. I asked myself. What to do now? I can't sleep. I thought it was funny to look at Tord's snoring and drooling face so I stared at Tord. Commie. He used to act suspicious and evil but now he's acting like a pervert and teasing me more often. I don't know. To me , he looks and acts different than before. His robotic arm. The memory of me shooting a harpoon to Tord's robot flashes in my mind. I shuddered at how horrible that image looked like. I look back at the time again. 12:35. Still no sleep. I took a glimpse at Tord again. I see shivering and a lot of shaking from Tord's body. Is he okay? I mean , I hate him and all but he is still my friend. I quickly jumped off the bed and check how Tord is doing. Is he- cold? I didn't know what to do. I'm not going to be a heartless creature leaving him turn into ice forever- actually I would love that moment to begin. But I care for my friends. And yes , Tord is included. I took my blanket and covered him. Shit , he is still cold and shivering. Oh I know! I should carry him to the bed! Ah. What a horrible idea. I can't even carry him. My eyes grew tired and my body is sleepy. Hmm , maybe tomorrow I could figure out a idea. I went to sleep near Tord's body and sharing the same blanket. I realized how comfy and soft Tord is. I hugged Tord and shoved my face into his chest. The smell of cigarettes on his hoodie makes me feel happy. If only I could stay with Tord like this forever...

Hi <3 Thank you for reading~
I really like this chapter because Tom is slowing falling in love~
Anyways thank you for supporting your love for me!

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