Reaching out is there anyone there?
Reaching out higher does anyone care?
Reaching out searching for you.
Reaching out, no one is there what do I do?Slowly I stop reaching out.
Reaching out will find no one there I have no doubt.
Twisting and turning in a sea of impenetrable darkness.
Ghost hands reaching are trying to lure me to complete nothingness.Reaching out searching for light.
Reaching out trying to fight the good fight.
Reaching out with a glimmer of hope.
Reaching out listening to the many voices echoing nope.Slowly I reach out.
Reaching out more as I shout.
Yelling and screaming for help to come.
Ghost hands reach chuckling only for some.Reaching out pleading and begging.
Reaching out face wet from weeping.
Reaching out one last try.
Reaching and sinking as I die.Marlana L
My poetry
PoetryI write from my heart and from life experiences. I have a disabled son who was not expected to make it. Some are about him, some about a abusive situation I was in, some just love.