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Brendon: come over you dickhead

Dallon: wow I'm so moved I've never been this flattered I'm swooning

Brendon: no this is why I love you

Message erased

Brendon: just come over please ?:)

Dallon: On my way!

Dallon: God fucking dammit autocorrect

Brendon: don't take the Lord's  name in vain you sinner

Dallon: oh I'm sorry father urie I repent for my sins



Brendon, suddenly getting nervous to see his boyfriend of five months, paced back and forth across his living room. He checked multiple times to make sure everything was in place and perfect, impulsively checking again just in case.

Cause ya know, anxiety.

He heard the sound of a car door being shut just outside the house, and knew that it was Dallon. Soon, the sound of a fist hitting a door filled the room, only causing the already panicking Brendon to panic even more.

Calming his nerves as best he could, he opened the door. His worried expression quickly faded as he gazed upon the man on his front porch, carding his hand through his hair and smiling brightly, like always.

Brendon greeted his boyfriend, letting him into his home. The nerves only subsided for that short time, and now the butterflies in his stomach fluttered like they were trying to escape.

"Holy shit, Bren," Dallon said in astonishment as he looked at the room in front of him.

Fairly lights hung from the walls, wrapping the picture frames Brendon already had on his walls and twinkling in the dim room like stars in the clear night sky. The table in the middle of the room was neatly set, candles lit and plates shining. Glasses for wine at each seat were set, and the bottle of red wine at the center of the table.

[I'm not good at describing things sorry]

"I kinda figured that since we haven't really gone on a real date that, maybe, we could--uh-- have one here?"

Dallon only smiled, unable to contain the utter happiness the sight and intentions gave him.

"Of course, babe. Fuck, this is beautiful. The detail and thought put into this? Damn, Brendon, this mist have taken forever!" Dallon exlaimed.

"It was nothing, really. I just wanted to do something nice for the man I love." He didn't exactly mean to say it, but he did. The words flowed effortlessly off his tounge, like they were meant to be said.

Dallon smiled, "here's to a wonderful date the man I love." The words seemed to flow with Dallon, too. No hesitation or preparation involved in the casual exchange of their love.

That's the thing with love, I guess; when it's true, you don't even need to think about, it just flows.


I tried to be all philosophical at the end but it didn't really work

It's short again I'm sorry I'll try and make one that's like 1000 words soon yeah??

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