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Wow I wonder what this chapter is about ??? Probs my about puppies and rainbows and fun

Also low-key wrote this before I finished the last chapter hHa it sucks sorry heads up


Brendon and Dallon sat in Dallons living room, eating bowls of cereal at midnight on his couch and watching The Road to El Dorado.

"I love this part," Brendon said, for about the thirty-second time.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Dallon spat out, without even thinking.

"Woah that was aggressive"

"Yeah well maybe if you didn't talk every five seconds I wouldn't be annoyed."

"Alright chill, Dal, don't be so overdramatic," Brendon said with a quick roll of his eyes, obviously getting angry at the way he was being spoken to.

"Overdramatic? You're the fucking drama queen who screams when he sees a baby spider!" Dallon was standing now, getting angrier with every word he spoke.

"All I fucking did was talk during a movie not set the house on fire calm the fuck down."

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down."

"You know what? Fuck you, Dallon. Come talk to me when you're calm because righ-"

"I AM CALM!" Dallon screamed. He in fact, was not calm.

[I just laughed at myself wow I'm a comedian]

"Obviously not."

"You know what? Yeah I'm not calm. At least I don't fucking complain about my boyfriend having a job, unlike some people."

"Are you serious?"

"No I'm fucking kidding," Dallon sassed.

"If we are bringing shit up that doesn't even relate to what this started about then at least I put out."

"Okay of fucking course you bring up sex. That's all you want, Brendon."

"Well it would be nice if we could have sex every couple days instead of once a goddamn month!" Brendon was screaming now, too, loud enough that the neighbors could no doubt hear.

"Its been two fucking weeks, Brendon! I have a job! You know, the one you always complain about."

"You work four days a week! There are three fucking days where we could have sex. Or at least spend time together! But noooo Mr. 'I have a job' only wants to see his boyfriend on Saturdays." He said, mockingly.

The two were both standing at this point, hand flailing in the air as they shouted insults and petty points of arguments at one another. They each brought up the classics; "You love your job more than me!" And "Why don't we ever go out on dates?". You know, all the things couples argue about in real life, none of that fanfiction "oh I cheated, sorry let's make up" crap.

The argument only escalated, and it seemed like it would never end until the thing that you never want the person you love to say is said.

"Oh my God, Brendon. You're such a fucking baby! Sometimes I wish that I never fucking replied to your stupid text and ignored it like I was going to!" Dallon screamed, face going red and gains on his neck popping out more and more with every word.

That was it for Brendon, the final straw. He didn't even reply, he just stood there in shock. You could see the instant regret on Dallons face as soon as the words were leaving his mouth; the look in his eyes shouted it. It was one of those times where as soon as the words were leaving your mouth, you wish you could just reach out and shove them back in because you don't really mean them.

Brendon left the house in a fit, mumbling angrily under his breath as he drove away. He shot a quick middle finger at Dallons house before it left his sight. As he sat in his own bed, he continued muttering things and flipping off the ceiling until a tear rolled down his cheek.

He hoped that they would put this fight behind them. He knew the first fight was always the hardest, and sometimes the worst since everything is bottled up until the pressure breaks the bottle and everything comes pouring out in one big movement. The tears were followed by more, and more, and more, until he fell asleep without even bothering to change or brush his teeth.

It took Dallon a while to move after Brendon left, he was too mad at himself for even thinking those words, and saying them was even worse. They weren't even true, just some phrase his brain conjured up in the heat of the moment.

He grew scared, knowing that driving while angry is one of the worst ways to drive. He knew that fights broke couples up who still loved each other. He knew that, sometimes, words cannot be forgiven.

It only took a few minutes for Dallon to start breaking things. Anger filled him; 10% at Brendon and 90% at himself.

"Why did I fucking say that?" He exlaimed though his teeth as he threw his phone across the room, breaking both the phone screen and the lamp it hit.

He didn't bother cleaning it, he just kept throwing more things. Pillows, remotes, a glass, the bowl he was eating out of (sending milk across the room and onto the walls). He didn't care anymore, nothing mattered.

He didn't make it to his room before he passed out from all the yelling, throwing, and crying. He slept in the hall way that night, thinking about how horrible it was to say such a thing to the man he loved.


I didn't want to make this the typical fight you see in fanfictions. So I made it about shit real couples fight about all the time.

It's really shitty ik but you gotta have fights it ain't no fairy tale buds.

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