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It's going to start moving really fast with a lot of time skips sorry I just want to bring it all to an end?

Brendon: omfg we've been dating for 3 years what

Dallon: how have I put up with you for so long

Brendon: idk but I'm glad you did

Dallon: I like how we are both well into our thirties and still text like teenagers

Brendon: shhHhHh don't talk about it

Brendon: I can't believe you're visiting your family on this iMPoRtAnT dAy

Dallon: I'M SORRY

Brendom: I just want to be with you

Dallon: I know I wish I could just leave but I can't. And even if I did it would take hours to get back home :(((

Brendon: :((((( just run

Dallon: you know I love you but there is no way in hElL I'd run that far

Brendon: that's understandable who would

Dallon: oh btw don't forget Patrick and Pete are dropping off their pupper again today before they leave for vacation

Brendon: good thing you said that bc I totally forgot

Dallon: bReNdOn

Brendon: I'll still be home in time don't worry babe I only have half an hour of work left

Dallon: you're at woRK AND TEXTING ME WHY

Brendon: because I love you and hate work duh?

Dallon: I'll accept it.

Dallon: I gotta get back to family I'll see you tomorrow tho bye I love you

Brendon: love you too. Have fun with family. Can't wait for tomorrow !!!

Dallom: neither can I baby

Brendon signed heavily as he placed his phone down on the counter in front of him. He swirled around in his chair out of boredom, staring at the clock everytime he passed it, waiting for it to rest it's hands on 5:00 so he could leave.

After what seemed like hours, though only roughly twenty minutes, it finally did so. Technically, he still had an hour of work left, but his boss was out and the cameras were down. Besides, Ryan was there and would cover everything.

He quickly packed his things and swooped his phone off the counter before getting his keys out to drive home.

Through the short, quiet ride home, the only thing racing through Brendon's thoughts was Dallon. He couldn't take his mind off how much he missed him, and how much he had wished he was home.

As he pulled up the drive way, he sat in his car for a few moments, not fully knowing why, just that it comforted him. It smelled of Dallon, and Brendon smiled as he inhaled the familiar scent.

Finally, he turned off the vehicle and opened the car door, dragging himself out and up to the door of his shared home. After struggling to unlock it, the opened the door and was greeted with a wave of home made dinner smell.

Confused, and quite frightened, he warily closed the door behind him, careful to be quiet as he snuck his way into the living room, 911 typed into his phone, ready to be called with one simple click of a button.

He peaked his head into the living room and spotted a tall man pacing around with his back to brendon, holding something in his hand.

Brendon his behind the wall with feat, before thinking about the man more. The way he walked, the way his hair swooped, his height, his build. He peered once again, studying him closer.

"Dallon?" He wisphered, before stepping out from behind the wall.

Dallom turned around quickly, his face read of shock and panic.

"Brendon! I didn't hear you come in! I- uh" he quickly held his hands behind his back and pilled am awkward, flase innocent smile.

"What are you doing here?" Brendon asked. "I mean, not that I'm not happy you are, but your family?"

"How could I miss our three year?" Dallon stated.

"Fuck, I love you" Brendon went over to hug him, but dallon pulled back, hands still turning something behind his back.

"Wait," Dallon mumbled nervously.

He backed up more and sunk to his knee, bringing the thing he was fiddling with from out behind his back and into the sight of his boyfriend.

Brendon made an indescribable noise before mumbling, "oh you bitch" playfully, all while smiling widely.

Dallon chuckled lightly, tilting his head downwards for a second before looking back up into the eyes of his love.

He began his speech, stumbling over his words slightly put of nervousness, "brendon, you know I love you, but you honestly don't know how much. Looking at you, I realise why people fall in love. Loving you has been one of the greatest things that's ever happened to me; now I have a reason to constantly smile."

He continued his cheesey, cliche, romantic speech for about a minute longer before popping the question to his now full on crying boyfriend.

"Of fucking course, you don't even have to ask you dork," Brendon laughed, pulling Dallon off his knee and into a long, passionate kiss.

"I love you," Dallon whispered when he pulled away, slipping the ring onto Brendon's finger.

"I know," Brendon smiled, kissing his now fiancé once again.

Let's just say, the dinner Dallon made for the special occasion ended up going cold, since the two were busy with -- uh -- other activities.


900+ words. Not great but still pretty good!!

Fun fact: wrote much of the second half on a crowded train going to London:)))

Only 2 more after this ayyyyy

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