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Brendon: Im sorry I ignored you

Dallon: don't be

Dallon: I deserved it. I'm still so fucking sorry I ever said that

Brendon: eh can't change the past

Dallon: h8 myself m8

Brendon: h8 u 2 cunt

Dallon: i feel like that statement is half true

Brendon: the world will never know :)

Dallon: :((((

Brendon: :)) love you

Dallon: :)) Love you too

-- 2 weeks later --

Dallon: BDEN


Brendon: whot

Dallon: come over

Brendon: wow what great news


brendon: understandable. I'll be right there


Dallon greeted his boyfriend with a bright smile, expressing his utter contentness and overjoyment.

Not gonna lie I haven't touched this in 4 days bc of finals and I have no idea where I was going with this. Why is Dallon so happy? Who knows. We will figure it out together. Gonna wing it like my accounting final this morning

"What're you so happy about?" Brendon asked, smiling and chuckling at his overexcited boyfriend.


"Come on, tell me?" Brendon asked again, still smiling.

"Come look!!" Dallon grabbed Brendon by the arm and dragged him to the backyard, bouncing the whole way with excitement.

Brendon looked around confused, unsure as to what Dallon was talking about. His confusion was temporary, and soon he knew exactly what Dallon was so happy about.

A small bork was heard, followed by a small pupper running across the yard, tripping over it's own feet and stumbling to the ground before getting back up and running around again.

Brendon looked at Dallon, his eyes filled with joy as he witnessed the small dog running around in utter happiness.

"You got a dog?"

"I wish she was mine! I'm watching her until Pete gets back from his little getaway with his, uh, 'friend'" Dallon explained.

"She's so fucking cute oh my god" Brendon reached down as the puppy ran over towards him. He started letting her, and she borked with happiness. She bit him playfully, and painfully, but he didn't mind.

He looked up at Dallon who was watching the small interaction, smiling widely. It was easy to tell how much Dallon loved watching the man he loved and the small pupper.


Sorry it's short but I needed to update already lol

No more finals BLESS the Lord

Well I still have 2 on Monday technically but one is art and the other I don't have a final in so I can leave :)))))

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