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Jakes POV

Sierra had Mark in a chock hold with an army knife pressed to his neck. I didn't know how or why they knew each other, I just was worried about Sierra. She was in better shape than Mark.

She had a bloody nose, a nasty bruise on her jaw, her lips were all swollen and cut, and she had a gash in her arm from the knife. She looked over to me and then looked at my "body gards"

She made a deal with them that I didn't hear because I zoned out, bad, I know right? The two guys pushed me forwards towards Sierra I stumbled a but I caught myself before I fell. Sierra told me to start heading to her house and the people in the crowd started to clear the way for me. When Sierra finally caught up to me we walked in silence each lost in our own thoughts.

30 minutes earlier

I knew I was in trouble, my buddy Jack had been getting drugs off of this guy named Mark latley. Since we all used them we all agreed to pitch in some money. It was my turn to pay up and I didn't have the money. Jack told me to meet with mark at Little Creek park. I was wondering around thinking about how me and my sister used to come here as kids and play on the swing set. But my memories got interuptted by a rather sharp tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to whoever tapped me and I was facing a guy who looked an auful lot like Sierra, it was kind of creepy. He was about 6'4, and the first thing I noticed about his face was that his eyebrows were rather high up on his face. You couldn't look at him without wanting to crack up until you saw the rest of his body.

He had very short close cropped hair, which made his widows peak stand out more than normal, he had dimples on his unsmiling face, and a very strong jawline. He was very big and muscled, almost like the hulk. But the thing that shocked me most was his eyes. They were a dark shade of blue that seemed to pierce into my soul, it gave the impreession that he knew everything about me.

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