Captain America

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After Liz and Ava dropped me off at my house, I hauled all the bags into my room. Noah burst right through the door and started giggling. The thing about Noah is that alot of the kids in his grade either oush him away or bully him, because he has cancer. So he's smaller and much weaker than all of the others. 

"What's up buddy?" He just giggled and ran away. Noah had Hodgkin disease, its a type of lymphoma, which is cancer of the lymph nodes.It started in his arm, it had made it's way into his bone marrow and was now extermely fatal. 

Noah was always in and out of the hospital, this made him a very mature 7 year old. But when he was around me he always knew he could be just a regular 7 year old. If anything ever happens to Noah I would go crazy. He's my world. That's why I have been begging mom to pull him out of school and homeschool him. But her exuse is always something along the lines of "That would only make him seem more wierd." Bull shit. It would only help him. Noah swore me into seacrecy about telling mom that he gets bullied. He dosen't want to see her hurt anymore. And I can't betray his trust or else he might never trust me again. He's truly an angel.

Noah tried to run out of my room but i snatched him off of the ground just in time. 

"And where do you think you're going?" I raised my eyebrow at him and he just smiled at me. "Hey guess what?" His pale little face lit up with excitment 

"What?" His blue eyes almost seemed to quiver.

"I got you something!" I could see his eyes fill with joy.


"Yeah! Do you wanna know what it is?" I seet him on the ground and walked over to one of my bag and pulled out a little wrapped up box.  It had a Captain America figure in it. The full size one. Noah loves the idea of superheros, for one because they figh toff all the bad guys and bullys, and he likes the idea of someone being there to save the day. Thats what I think he admires most about ssuperheros. He nodded his head and I handed him the box. He ripped off the wrapping paper faster than anything I had ever seen before. 

"ITS CAPTAIN AMERICA! I HAVE HIM NOW!" I let out a small laugh and he ran up to me and gave me a big hug. Then ran out of my room and down the hall screaming "GUESS WHAT MOM YOU WONT BELIVE WHAT SI GOT ME!!" He calls me Si because he is too lazy to actually say my whole name. I could hear him blabbing on and on to my mom about his new figurine. I jumped on my bed and decided I would text Jason.

Before I could do that my ringtone for Audrey went off "She's like cold coffee in the morning, I'm drunk off last nights whisky and coke." (Congrats if you know the song, shame on you if you don't, look it up.)


"Si you won't belive this!!" Audrey had gossip, I could tell. Audrey is your go to girl if you need advice or help, she knows everything about everybody. It kind of freaks me out. 

I rolled my eyes "What is it this time?" 

"Jake just got the living daylights beaten out of him!" 

"Jesus! By who?" Of course Jake would do something like this, I mean he is Jake after all.

"Mark." I went silent. Mark is my older brother who used to physically abuse me, he was envolved with a lot of gang activity so my parents were scared to call the cops, he must be 24 by now. He got taken to jail when he beat me so badly I could'nt walk. 

"Where are they?" I could tell she was contemplating telling me. "Audrey where are they." My voice sounded venomus even to me.

"The Little Creek park." I hung off and ran out the door and took off towards Little Creek. It was about 4 blocks from my house so it didn't take too long to get there. As soon as I got there I could tell things weren't good. There was a small circle in the feild off to the left. I had a choice, leave Jake and let him get beat up, or help. The choice was obvious for me. I ran over to the circle and started pushing people out of the way. I saw Audrey and she caught eyes with me and a look of warning flashed over them, but I ignored it. When I finally made it to the front row I wanted to run.

Jake was being held by two of Mark's men and was taking punch after punch. It's like that scene in karate kid but this time no one was going to stop him. I took all of the strength I could not to run. As soon as I saw mark all of the horrible memories came flooding back. The way he would beat me was weird. He would either slap me, or push me into things. But when he was either mad or drunk, he would tie rope around my ankels, and wrists so i could'nt fight back, then he would hit me with his belt in a way that would leave patterns on my skin, or he would carve them into my skin. I shook my head to get rid of the memories. It took every once of strength I had in me to say his voice, but it was for Jake.

"Mark." That's all it took for him to stop punching Jake. He turned around and his dark blue eyes caught me. He smirked. 

"Si it's been a rather long time how's my little sister?" His words sent shivers down my back. His tone sounded daring so I put on my poker face and stared him straight in the eye. 

"Great, ever since you have been gone." My voice was stronger than I expected. His face hardend, he never did like being shown up. Jake looked over to me and his eyes went wide as he struggled against his man gaurs, but they didn't budge. They were all about as old and tall as Mark, so about 6'4 all of them extremly muscled. The ones holding Jake had black and blonde hair, I smiled to myself like salt and pepper. And then I looked back to Mark, his cold dark eyes watching my every move. He had the exact same hair color as me.

He walked over to me so he was towering above me. I wanted to kick him in the balls, but that would have been extremly stupid. He smirked.

"How's poor little Noah." He asked in a voice that you talk to your dog with, the fake droopy sounding one. Yeah that one. I balled my fists. 

"You are trash, don't ever speak his name like that." He had pissed me off. The one thing me and Mark have in common, our temper. And boy it is short! 

"You don't tell me what I can and can not do." At this point Mark had also balled his fists. I stood up a little straighter, the little girl who got beat with the bealt inside me wanted to run, but this current me wanted to beat Mark to the ground. 

"I will do whatever the hell I want." Mark swung at me.

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