Salt and Pepper

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Mark's first punch hit me square in the jaw and made my head roll back. I was dazed for a second but then snapped back to reality, he threw a second punch at me but I dodged it and kneed him in the stomach, it hurt him but it didn't do as much damage as I was hoping for.

He grabbed my hair in his fist and pulled me so my neck was taunt and my back was to him.

"So you know how to fight." He sounded a little out of breath.

"You know anyone could call the police right now and have your ass thrown in jail again?" That answer only made him angrier, so he pulled my hair tighter and my head was so far back now that I was getting an upside down view of his face.

He's got a very strong jawline, his eyebrows are set up very high on his face, and his hair is cropped very short, it makes his widows peak stand out, also he has dimples even when he's not smiling.

In the few seconds he was distracted by my answer I took my elbow and lodged it into his face right at his nose, I felt it snap and the blood came pouring out. He cried out in pain and let go of my hair, but another thing that me and Mark have in common is that pain, it makes us even more anger. So in my case I was kind of screwed.

The bleeding wasn't going to stop anytime soon so he decided to ignore it. Me and him started to circle each other like boxers do when their in the ring. I'm normally a very impatient person, but I know Mark, I know how he plays, that's his weakness now.

He threw a couple of jabs at me but I quickly dodged them with footwork. What he was doing was testing me, trying to find out how much I know, I was going to fake him. In my personal opinion when you are boxing you shouldn't make the first move unless you either have a solid move, or solid plan. In my case I had a solid plan.

The plan is to let him think he's winning let him get a couple hits in, then when he goes for his big show off move strike him down. I knew it was going to hurt, but hey we are fighting!

I stepped closer and threw a pathetic right handed hook at him which he laughed at, he clearly thought I knew nothing, which is good. After a couple more of my pathetic hooks and jabs he got bored so he attacked. I guess he wanted payback for his nose because he threw a punch and it hit me in the nose but not with enough force to break it.

He kicked what would have been a perfect death kick right to my temples if I had of moved my head in the right time, this caused his foot to hit my mouth, my teeth really didn't like me right now.

I could tell he was going in for something big when he didn't hit for a while, he was watching. I didn't know what he was going to do but it made me very nervous. His hand reached into his pocket and he pulled something out. People gasped, and I knew what he had taken out of his pocket.

An army knife.

He took it in his right hand and pointed it at me.

"Remember this little Si?" He was trying to mock me. The one mistake he made was when he stepped forward to stab, I side stepped him causing him to only nick my arm, I kicked him in the small of the back with my right foot causing him to fall and his knife fall out of his hands. I lowered myself to his level and snaked my arms around his neck.

"And do you remember this Marky?" I asked in a mocking tone. He just made this chocking sound and I laughed. I grabbed the army knife and pulled him up by his shirt and pressed the blade under his Adam's apple.

"Hey you," I was referring to the people who were still holding Jake, sang they take order. They didn't respond so I settled for this. "Listen up salt and pepper if you don't let Jake go I will kill Mark, if you let him go no harmed feelings."

The one with the black hair responded to me. "Like you would have he guts to kill someone." I chuckled and pressed the blade against Marks neck harder to the point where it broke skin and drew blood.

"You know pepper me and Mark here have a lot more in common than you think, I mean after all he is my brother."

Salt and Pepper looked at each other then at Mark and nodded they pushed Jake towards me and be stumbled but caught himself. He looked at me.

"Start walking to my house." He just nodded and took off.

I pulled Marks head down until it was next to my ear "Until next time..... brother." When I was taking my arm away from my neck I let the hand with the knife drag along his skin.With that I walked off towards my house and threw the knife in the closest trash bin.

When I caught up with Jake he was pretty messed up but not too bad. He had a slit all the way actions his wrist that looked bad so I took off my scarf and "bandaged" it up.

We were silent on the walk back to my house, I guess he didn't know what to say.

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