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Isn't it just too good to be true ? The lovely couple is together and they're all alone. It's raining and they're playing hide and seek.
Aria was blushing slightly. And by slightly, I don't mean 'slightly'. Because in the rainy atmosphere with dark clouds and cold weather (it's raining, so it ought to be a bit cold), nobody will be able to see her absolutely flustered face. Well, Tenma won't see it anyway. Why ? Because Aria is walking behind him and Tenma is too busy in his own flustered state.
The two teens were walking towards the trees. After all, they had to hide and mask their energy. It took quite an effort to do so due to their lineage and they did not earn their current ranks just because of their birth.
They were different. Tenma was arrogant. Aria was kind. He boasted about his abilities. She never even talked about it. He would belittle. She would encourage. But then again they had their similarities. They loved teasing others about trivial matters. Although Aria only did that to her family and friends whereas Tenma teased almost everyone he ever met, except Aria. They gave each other special exceptions which they themselves were unaware of.
They respected each other. They loved each other. They didn't knew about the strength of their feelings and neither did they knew about the other's feelings.
"How about we go up ?" Tenma asks.
"Eh-wh-what ?"
"We can climb one of these trees. She won't even bother looking up as she'll only see the cloudy sky." Tenma suggests.
Tenma starts climbing the tree and reaches the first branch. He stretches his hand downwards.
"Now, take my hand. I'll pull you up." He says.
"I can climb, ya know." Aria states as a matter of fact.
"I know. But this will be faster. Take my hand. Now."
Aria takes his hand and Tenma pulls her up. They go further upwards and reach the top of the tree.
"I hope you know how to get back to the ground." Aria says.
"Ohh! I didn't think about that." Tenma replies.
"What ? How're we gonna get down ? Go home ? Eat and sleep ? What're we.." Aria was rambling on until Tenma put a finger on her mouth.
"Sshhh. Just enjoy the view for now." He says and points to a direction. Aria lets her vision follow his finger and her eyes widen. He had pointed a very beautiful scenery. Streets like those from the times of Abe no Seimei. Houses like the castles of the past. Hills and forests in various shades of grey. Rain falling beautifully on the entire island with the scenery being just a part of it. Magnificent.
"Did you know about this ?" She inquires still in a dazed state.
"Nope. But I know that climbing trees can reward you with peaceful views." He replies with a cocky smirk.
"Thank you."
"For what ?"
"For bringing me here. I have a question."
"How do we get down ?"
"Do you wanna go down so badly ?"
"Nah, but I'd like to go down today itself." She replies, now completely facing him.
"Aa. That's where your spiritual energy comes." He says.
"Meaning ?"
"Our energy can be used as an offence and defence, right ?"
"Yeah. So ?"
"So, our energy can be manipulated to suit our needs and hence can be used to stand on thin air."
"Is that possible ?"
"Yes. It..."
"How do you know about that ?" Aria suddenly interrupts him.
"Something I developed." Tenma mumbles although Aria heard him.
"Interesting. Well let's enjoy the view first."
The teens sat on the branches. Soon they began talking about their upcoming trip.
"So, what are you bringing ?" Aria asks.
"For what ?"
"For the trip, aside from clothes and all."
"Food, video games.. something like that."
"Hmm. And what all food are you bringing ?"
"Lots of dangos, chips.. sorta." Aria chuckles at Tenma's reply.
"Whatcha bringing ?" He asks.
"Chocolates, chips, cup noodles and all."
"Sometimes, packing gets annoying. Mum's already asking me to take this and that with me."
"Ehh! Really ? What all did she suggest ?"
"Cameras, batteries, torch lights.. blah blah blah."
"Now that I think about it, we might need such stuff. Who knows we might need it all during exploration."
"Yeah. I guess so.."

Ok. First of all. I've never been this close. Secondly, her clothes are sticking to her body. Third, don't stare at anything. But this conversation is pretty nice. Never had a talk like this before. Should I confess ? Yes. No. Maybe. No. Yes. Yes. Ok, here goes.
"Aria. I-I..."
"Hmm ?" Why is she looking at me like that ? It's too beautiful. Her hair is sticking to her neck and.. oh no no no no no no.
Don't do that. Don't. She's gathering her hair in her hands and putting it over her right shoulder. Now I can see her neck.
"Did you wanna say something ?" She asks.
"Yes. No. I mean yes. I-i-i.."
"Oi found you two." A voice shouts.
We look down to see the rest of the gang staring at us.
"Yeah, we're coming." Aria says.
"Now, how are we supposed to get down ?" She asks.
"O-oh! I didn't teach you. Well, first get up." We get up. And she's holding on to the trunk for balance. I pick her up in a bridal style.
"Now, hold on tight." She nods. Was that a squeak ? Nah! There aren't any squirrels nearby, I guess.

What on earth is he doing ? Why is he-he carrying me like that ? Isn't it something a boyfriend or husband does ? Great. Absolute fucking great. I'm blushing. People will probably think I'm a tomato or so. Moreover I squeaked. He starts placing a foot on air and walks with me in his hands. It kinda feels warm and... and.... and... and.. safe somehow.
He starts stepping into thin air and goes down like going downstairs. Awesome. I gotta ask him to teach me that.
"What were you two lovebirds doing up there ?" Great. The brat has his own way of getting me embarrassed.
"On second thought, I don't wanna hear anything. It might be too dirty for innocent people like us to hear." He continued. God, he's such an ass. Can't he just shut his own mouth. Before I could even say say anything, Tenma had already smacked his head.
"Shut up, weasel. You're too innocent for someone who spends his time drooling on adult magazines." He says.
Wait. Adult ? Magazines ? Must've found dad's old magazines. He doesn't keep it in a very secret place. Hell, I found them when I was 13.

"Brat. Shut up if you don't wanna be bankrupt." Aria says.
Arimori has a horrified expression. His sister didn't like shopping too much. But when she found something good, she'd get interested in everything and go on a 'shopping rampage'. It's quite scary for all he knew.
Shimon and Tenma usually didn't mind her 'shopping rampage', because she rarely got interested in such things. Plus, Chiiko enjoyed shopping with her. The young girl had a 'mature' mind for someone of her age. She was heavily influenced with romance manga and knew all about puberty except for its 'connections' to the human anatomy.
The rain had stopped and the sun hadn't started shining. People, you know that they had a meeting at morning till afternoon and they had a curfew till dinner, so it's obviously around evening-nightish.
"Shouldn't we go shopping for our trip ?" Mayura asks.
"Now that you said it, I need a few clothes." Aria says.
"And a new swimsuit. We should look sexy if we wanna go on a holiday and upload a few pics." Shizuru adds.
"I agree. I haven't been to the beach in ages. I've probably outgrown my old swimsuit." Mayura says.
"Same here." Aria agrees.
"We can go shopping tomorrow." Shizuru suggests.
"Agreed." Arimori shouts.
"As long as I get to see you girls in swimsuits." He adds.
"Shut up, pervy weasel." Tenma reprimands him with a smack.
"You are not gonna be anywhere near us when we shop for swimsuits or underwear. You can get yourself some jeans and shirts for all I care." Aria states with a glare.
"Whatever." He mumbled.
"Hey, how about a sleepover tomorrow ?" Aria suggests.
"Are we allowed ?" Arimori interrupts.
"Of course you aren't. We're boys. They're girls. Let them enjoy with their girly stuff." Shimon spoke.
"Yeah, before I forget, Sayo-chan's invited for shopping and sleepover." Aria says.
"Ok. I'll talk to her and uncle." Shimon replied.
"Where are we gonna have this sleepover ?" Mayura asks.
"My place of course. We can take turns when we organise one. I'll take the first turn." Aria says with a grin.
"Ooooh. We'll talk about all the girly stuff these boys aren't allowed to know." Shizuru says mischievously.
"Bring all the stuff you want except for food, we have lots at the house, especially cakes and ice creams." Aria states.
"Which you eat every hour." Arimori had mumbled something very wrong for he had been smacked again.
After all the chat where the boys could only watch the girls gossip amongst themselves, all of them parted ways to go back home for dinner.
Tenma had received a lecture from his mother, who had rambled on how he should be punctual and what he should take for his trip. Shizuru didn't have it any different either. Her father was bickering on about family dinners while she snuck into her room to sleep. Shimon had informed his uncle and brother about the invitation for the shopping spree and sleepover from the girls for Sayo. His cousin was excited to finally be included in something with the girls. Mayura had gotten off with a light warning considering how Arimori had informed Yuzuru that Shimon was with her alone during their game. Arimori and Aria had been bombarded with questions for being late. Arima had assumed that his daughter and future son-in-law had kissed and did 'things'.

That Beautiful Girl (Sousei no onmyouji) Unomiya Tenma x OC Where stories live. Discover now