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Girls are girls. But there are certain things people don't know about them. If you think they host sleepovers to have a pillow fight and some girly talk and sleep, then that would be so wrong. 


The entire gang had gathered at the Tsuchimikado estate. The girls were too excited. When Mayura had proposed the idea of a mock fashion show, the other praised her too much to the point that she blushed like a tomato. Then they started teasing her about her reddening face looking like Shimon's hair. Shizuru then brought up another idea for herself and the other girls to bring their own clothes too. Sayo also decalred that she'd bring her camera. And so, Tenma and the other boys were utterly clueless as to why Shizuru, Mayura and Sayo brought their luggages. 

"Are you planning on moving in ?" Arimori asked.                                  
"No, silly. We have a few plans, right girls ?"                                                         "Yes, ma'am!!" Mayura and Sayo saluted. Shimon was utterly surprised. Mayura, who had been shy and reserved, had become so enthusiastic. Maybe it was for the best. 
"Bird-maru, why are you gawking at the poor kitten ?" Tenma asked teasingly.                             
"I'm not gawking at Mayura." Shimon instantly replied as a faint blush covered his cheeks. 
"But, I was not talking about Mayura, can't you see that the cutie has brought the stuffed toy of the Doraemon-lookalike cat ?' Tenma teased a bit further. Shizuru, Aria and Arimori chuckled at that. Shimon covered his face with his precious scarf.
"Come on, let's not waste time. We'll sleep in my room." Aria announced as she started leading the way. 
"Brother-in-law, are you excited to go to your wife's bedroom ?" Arimori asked.
"Wh-what ? Sh-shut up brat." Tenma started eating his dango to distract himself. But unfortunately his mind and the two boys beside him weren't helping.
"That is you future wife, ya know. You should memorize every inch of her room." Arimori continued. Shimon couldn't help but smirk. And Tenma ? He choked on his dango as his face heated up. Finally, The boys reached Aria's room. The girls were nowhere to be seen. 
"Where are they ?" Shimon asked. 
"Probably in the closet." Arisu replied. The boys went into the walk-in closet and found Shizuru and Sayo looking through makeup. Mayura was looking at the shoes and Aria was going through Mayura's luggege. 
"What are you guys planning ?" Shimon asked.
"Something that you'll never forget." Sayo replied with a wink. 
"What do you mean, cutie ?" Tenma asked. Sayo walked towards him and signaled him to lower his head. 
"Meaning, get ready to confess to her." Sayo whispered. Tenma turned red and fled.
"Why did he run away ?" Aria was the one who spoke up.
"He remembered something he had to do." Sayo replied with an evil smile. Aria failed to notice its 'evilness' and returned to unpacking Mayura's stuff.
"What happened exactly ?" Shimon asked his cousin as he pulled her to the side.
"You should confess to sister-in-law tonight. Dango-man went to prepare for that." Sayo replied with a grin. Shimon fled, but his cousin was sure about his reddening face.
"Mayura, you should wear this." Aria exclaimed as she took out one of her crop tops. And so the fashion show begins. 
It was around five when the girls arrived and threw the boys out of the room. After a few video games, the boys were at the terrace, enjoying the breeze. Arimori had sneaked two bottles of sake from his father's collection. 
"Weasel, you drink ?" Tenma asked.
"Well, I'll turn eighteen in a couple of months.We might as well have a sip before we join the fashionistas ." Arimori replied.
"Agreed." Shimon said. Both of them looked at him weirdly. Shimon protested a lot when Tenma took him out to a bar to drink on his eighteenth birthday. He soon complied. Shimon had drunk two bottles of sake and still had his own personality. Tenma, on the other hand, had drunk three sips and started to loose himself. Tenma danced and had kissed a bald man's cheek. Shimon knew how much trouble a drunk Tenma could cause. Yet, he had agreed.
"Cheers !!" Arimori passed the cups and filled them. Tenma quickly gulped the drink while Shimon calmly finished it. The boys kept on drinking till the two bottles were over. Shimon and Arimori were drunk. But, Tenma was completely drunk and started whining about how Aria could be so clueless. Arimori started comparign the girls' physical features.  
"Shimon, don't you think Mayura has huge breasts ?" Arimori asked.
"Isn't it too obvious ? Bird-maru, how are you going to handle 'them' ?" Tenma sloppily asked.
"Honestly, I don't know. Tenma.. when will you confess to Aria ?" Shimon slurred.
"Someday... Probably ?" Tenma appeared to be in deep thought.
The giggles of the girls could be heard. The boys looked at each other in panic. The girls couldn't know they'd been drinking. 
'Chiiko would tell this to her father and what would Mayura say ?'  Shimon thought.
'Sis will have my head.' Arimori was so sure of his death.
Tenma couldn't even think properly and hid behind a one of plant pots. The girls were laughing. 
"I don't know where the boys are, but let's have fun. Cheers !!" Aria raised her beer. Mayura and Shizuru followed her. Shimon hid behind a chair. Arimori tried to escape. But as soon as the boys heard the word 'cheers', they peeked and saw the girls getting drunk. 
"Party without us ?" Arimori made his presence known. Shimon and Tenma stood up from their hiding places. 
"Where's Chiiko ?" Shimon inquired. 
"Sleeping!!" The girls chorused. 
"Well, then let's PARTY!!!"

That Beautiful Girl (Sousei no onmyouji) Unomiya Tenma x OC Where stories live. Discover now