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The day has finally come.  The shopping spree, people. You can't just forget that. And after that there's a sleepover too. Aria was currently bossing around, ordering her brother to bring all sorts of food items. But unfortunately for Arimori, she kept adding things to her list while threatening him as a reminder for the possible consequences should he be inspired to defy her orders. To top it all, she wasn't even paying. Aria excused herself by saying that her money was reserved for the clothes shopping which was to be done today itself. After what it seemed like ages, Arimori finally plopped down on his bed, only to have his sister remind him to get ready to go shopping while adding a threat in between.

Aria was currently getting ready or that's what she thought. It was almost 11am and she needed to go shopping. She had already nagged her brother to do all the work for tonight's sleepover. But now she was facing the dilemma of the century. What to wear ? She was lying on a couch gawking at her wardrobe from time to time. Her walk in closet had too much space and it felt like a desert without a couch, T.V, and a music system. Songs were playing on a high volume as she struggled to choose something to wear from her closet.


Arimori dashed into the room to check if his sister was going on a rampage. But he only saw his sister lying on a couch and gawking at an open wardrobe of her clothes.
"You tell me to get ready as soon as I could and you're not even holding your clothes." He complained.
"I don't know what to wear." Aria whined. Arimori facepalmed. His sister was the one who woke him from his sleep at 5am and started barking orders at him. It was a nuisance to see such a threatening figure whining about what to wear. It was just an outing after all.
"Wear a top and a pair of shorts." He suggests.
"Yes. That's a good idea. Now get out." Arimori fled before Aria's shoe reached him.
Aria wore a pink shorts, a white loose top and a pair of sneakers. She applied a bit of mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss.
"Brat, let's go" Fortunately she hadn't taken too long and the siblings left.

"Mayura-sama, wear this. It looks so good !!" Yuzuru Amawaka was a loyal member of the Amawaka clan. From the outside, she's very formal. But that didn't mean that didn't stop her from dressing up the clan head. Currently Yuzuru and the females of the Amawaka clan had gathered in front of Mayura's closet, deciding what would look good on her. Yuzuru had gossiped about Mayura having a secret relationship with a certain redhead and that is why she is being hovered by every female in the estate to wear a cute outfit.
"Mayura-sama, wear this."
"No.. Mayura-sama should wear this."
"Mayura-sama, this looks better than the other outfits."
Between all the commotion, Yuzuru had given Mayura a pair of denim shorts, a light blue shirt and canvas shoes and pushed her into the washroom.
She quickly got ready and applied mascara and lipgloss. After checking her hair in the mirror, Mayura came out only to showered by compliments.
"CUTE!!!!" They all squealed.
"Mrmm-hmmm. Mayura-sama has a date to attend." Yuzuru announced.
The doorbell had rung. After a few seconds, someone ran in to announce the arrival of Ikaruga Shimon and Sayo. After parting with them, Mayura joined the cousins who led the way to the shopping district.

"Mom. I'm leaving." Tenma announced as he wore his shoes.
"When are you going to get married and bring my daughter-in-law ? Tenma-chan, you are disappointing when it comes to women." Tenma's mother feigned hurt.
"M-m-mom... I'm too young for m-marriage. B-besides I'm already e-engaged to A-Aria-chan." Tenma stuttered out.
"And who said I was talking about Aria-chan ?" His mother grinned mischievously.
"Uh-uh-uh.. um.. I'm leaving." Tenma dashed out of the house before his mother could continue her teasing.

"Dear, Shizuru is running away." Ioroi Narumi sobbed. Shizuru's siblings could only sweatdrop and watch as their mother comforted their father.
"Well.. I'm leaving. I don't wanna see any drama."

Mayura, Shimon and Sayo met up with Shizuru. Tenma came a minute later. Aria and Arimori joined them after a few minutes.
"This is all your fault. Why can't you decide what to wear ?" Arimori complained.
"Maybe, it's because a certain brat couldn't get me my snacks on time." Aria retorted.
"Come on. We didn't come here to whine. We have to shop and it's necessary." Sayo declared.
"I agree with the girl. We can't waste time." Shizuru agreed.
"So what do you check out ?" Mayura inquired.
"Tops." "Swimsuit." "Shoes." "Dango." "Manga." Headphones." Replies came simultaneously and Mayura was confused about who had wanted what.
"Please, slow down. Shimon, what do you wanna check ?"
"Headphones." He replied.
She turned to Aria who replied 'Tops.'
Shizuru wanted swimsuits. Sayo wanted Manga. Tenma wanted dango. Arimori wanted shoes.
"Well, let's vote. Who wants to get clothes ?" Aria asked, raising her hand.
Shizuru's hand bolted up. Tenma didn't wanna stay apart from Aria, so he raised his hand. Mayura and Sayo agreed. Shimon couldn't let his cousin out of sight, so he raised his hand. Arimori was the only one who didn't raise his hand.
"Is this a conspiracy ? Against me ? Your precious friend ?" Arimori pretended to be hurt.
"Brat, stop whining. Majority wins." Aria declared as Shizuru and herself led the way to a clothes shop.

"Mayura, you should totally buy this." Shizuru pulled out a light green dress with white lace designs covering its neckline. Aria turned around and inspected them dress.
"Go ahead, try it." Shizuru and Aria shoved Mayura into the trial room with the dress while they looked for more clothes nearby.
"Aria, look at this. This would definitely look good." Shizuru said as she showed a white ripped top.
"Shizuru, you'd totally rock this skirt." Aria exclaimed as she picked up a red skirt with irregular lines.
"Ano.. guys ??!" Mayura had come out of the trial room wearing the dress. To say she looked gorgeous would've been an understatement.
"Sister-in-law, I have no words to tell you how you look." Sayo chirped.
The girls busied themselves with various clothes of different types, colours and design.

To say that these boys were impatient would be an understatement. More like, Arimori was impatient. On top of that, they were in the girls section and didn't even bother moving from there since Tenma and Shimon had to keep an eye out for 'certain people'. Even worse, other girls who had come to shop started flirting with them. Arimori was beyond enraged. He had nothing to do to keep him distracted. Tenma was eating dangos and Shimon was humming to the music he heard with his headphones.
Soon enough, Tenma's dangos were over and Shimon didn't like to repeat the songs he heard. But finally, they saw the girls coming over with two or three shopping bags each.
Sayo had kindly reminded them that they were men and shouldn't allow ladies to carry 'heavy things'.
"Now. We need to go to a place where you boys aren't allowed to come. So you can go get whatever you want." Sayo announced.
"What ? Are you gonna get food or beverages ?" Arimori had questioned.
"Why can't we go along with you ?" Tenma demanded.
"In the end we'll have to carry your bags, so it's better if we come now and get it." Shimon said.
"Well, if you're so interested then you can come with us.." Aria started.
" the lingerie store." Shizuru concluded.
Shimon and Tenma had blushed furiously.
"N-n-no th-thank you. W-we'll go look f-for stuff." Tenma stuttered. Aria covered her face to hide the incoming blush on her cheeks when he looked towards her.
"Y-yeah. Ch-chiiko, why do y-you need t-to go ?" Shimon inquired embarrassedly.
"I'm a lady, nii-san. Besides I've to see what my sister-in-law would choose." Sayo stated as a matter-of-fact.
That statement didn't help Shimon and he covered his face with his scarf to hide his even redder face.
Aria and Tenma smacked his head.
"Do you really think we'll allow that ?" Shizuru inquired.
"Shut up, you perverted brat." Aria face palmed.
"For once, can you stop giving me a headache, foolish weasel." Tenma dragged him away as Shimon followed him.
"Well, let's go." Sayo announced as she led the way.

AT PIZZA HUT (After Shopping)
"Well finally we're all done." Shimon said as he sighed.
"I'm sorry if this was a bother Shimon." Mayura apologised.
"Nah. Don't worry. Training is even intense." Shimon claimed as Sayo snickered.
"Everybody's coming for the sleepover right ?" Aria questioned.
"What do you mean by 'everybody' ?" Arimori asked.
"Well, we thought it would be impolite to keep you guys out of the loop. So you boys can tag along too." Shizuru informed.
"Let me ask." Tenma said as he himself and Shimon took out their phones to ask their parents/relatives.
"Ok." Both boys were good to go.
After pizza, they all went to their homes only to meet up at the Tsuchimikado estate for the sleepover.

That Beautiful Girl (Sousei no onmyouji) Unomiya Tenma x OC Where stories live. Discover now