Part 11 - Circus

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Once again, we were caught in a Mexican stare off. I nervously tried to pull the hem of Axel's shirt down over my knees with little success. Gabriel sat with an amused expression, while Axel and I cracked under the harsh glare we were each receiving from Tiffany.

Tiffany regained her composure. She briefly closed her eyes and inhaled. "Axel, baby, what is this? And why are you not answering my calls?" she forced out in a sweet voice, carefully placing her Prada bag on the counter next to her.

"Tiff, uh, firstly don't jump to any conclusions. This is all very platonic and innocent—" Axel's sentence got interrupted.

"Melia spent the night here. She got drunk at the club they were at and Axel brought her home and now she is having breakfast with him half naked and still wet," Gabriel offered Tiffany his twisted version of events.

The asshole didn't even lie, he just summed up the highlights. Miss Priss huffed annoyed. I stared at him in pure hatred. Yes, all true but did he really have to say it like that?

"Axel, care to tell me that he is talking shit as usual?" she asked shrilly, shooting Gabriel a nasty glare. Something tells me she was also not a big fan of Aims. Wait, how do they know each other?

"As usual?" Axel looked between Tiffany and Gabriel in confusion.

"Dude, you usually tell her I talk shit? That's not nice," Gabriel let out in mock hurt, trying to cover up the obvious slip.

"Hold on, why do I get the impression that two of you know each other?" Axel said, shifting uncomfortably.

"Seriously?" Tiffany hissed, "How we know each other is not the issue right now—"

"We dated briefly but called it off a week after the two of you met," Gabriel threw the truth out there in the open.

"I would hardly call it dating," Tiffany snapped at Gabriel, throwing Axel a nervous glance in the process.

I sat mute, realizing I was witnessing the circus of my life. These monkeys were my past, present, and future. Only they were cracking the whip and me and my future monkey, each sat with a banana in the mouth, slowly chewing what they dished out.

Gabriel was just about to open his mouth again when Axel stood up. "Would you shut the hell up," he threw him a death glare over his shoulder before he turned back to his manic girlfriend, "Tiff baby, actually that is what happened, but—"

"You son of a bitch," Tiffany breathed angrily interrupting him yet again.

He gave her an exasperated look. "Tiffany, please let me at least talk would you—" he started again.

"How dare you do this to me, I deserve so much more than you are willing to give," with that dramatic yell she turned and grabbed her Prada bag, glaring at me, "I will see you at work on Monday, don't be late to your own execution." She sentenced me to death before she dangerously wobbled on her high heels, storming out of the apartment.

Hmm, just what does one wear to a public execution? Miss Priss pondered off topic. I blinked, unmoving, still staring at the door. A loud bang next to me made me jump.

Axel banged the counter with his fist. "What the hell man? If this is your way of friendship then quite frankly I am not interested. Why would you tell Tiffany that? And when were you going to mention that you used to date my girlfriend?" he roared at Gabriel.

"I did you a favour that bombshell was rotten to the core. As for friendship, why would you bring her here?" Gabriel said just as angry as he pointed to me, "even after I told you about her?" he finished out of breath.

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