Part 15 - White or Red flag

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Dressed to impress, I made my way up the few steps to the entrance of the Grand Hotel. This place had elegance and luxury oozing and dripping out of it, so, of course, I felt like a spec on a white surface standing here.

I knew Bex was up to no good—normally I would at least have tried to stop her—but I was so happy for the escape that I bolted the moment she left the house. Finally deciding to accept Gabriel's invite had my nerves shot, and she would have picked up on it like a bloodhound. She would literally have held me hostage to stop this madness.

I am questioning my earlier belief that this was a good thing. Seeing Gabriel tonight could either be the best or the worst possible thing for me—liberating or the final nail in my coffin.

Focus, it's all about the entrance. Miss Priss encouraged.

Slowly entering the foyer I tried to exude confidence. I held my head high with a smile on my lips. Lucky, I chose to escape to Lori's—a stylist for Vogue—so, I definitely looked the part. Heads were definitely turning and it made me feel like a cat on a hot tin roof.

The extravagance of the hotel's interior was blinding; this was definitely a playground for the rich. I cringed at the sound of my heels clicking on the polished marble floor, it successfully announced my presence. Apparently, the sound was a universally recognized one—the sound of a woman approaching. The men immediately picked up on it and turned to find its source or at least those that found the rhythm of my walk appealing.

One man, in particular, made my heartbeat race as he looked up at me—Gabriel Aims.

Oh, there it is. Miss Priss picked him out of the line up waiting at the reception.

I swallowed hard at the sight of him. He looked dashing as ever. Gabriel took the last few steps to close the gap between us. "Melia, I was worried you might not show," he said leaning in to kiss my cheek.

I stood frozen as his lips touched my skin, the memory of his kisses still sour, but I didn't pull away. I merely gave him a nervous smile.

"You look absolutely stunning tonight," he said with a genuine smile on his heart-wrenchingly handsome face.

"Uh, thanks," I mumbled again feeling vulnerable in his presence.

"Shall we," he asked, holding out his arm for me to accept.

I took his arm with some hesitance, the thought of touching him sent strange sensations through me. He seemed to notice and I dare say he seemed pleased by his effect on me. He led us to the dining area where a beautifully set table for two was already waiting on the balcony overlooking the city.

The romantic scene messed with my resolve. Was this a date? I hope not. I wasn't ready to let go of my grudge towards him just yet. I have lugged that baggage along for such a long time that letting it go now would leave me empty-handed.

"I was blown away by seeing you again. I feel like there was so much still left unsaid between us," Gabriel said. His smile never faltered, and he seemed awfully at ease considering our history.

I was beginning to think that the bitter pill I had to swallow may not have been as bitter for him. "Yes, I can honestly say that I wasn't expecting to see you again either," I said with that bitter taste still in my mouth.

Gabriel's mouth tightened into a serious line at the hidden venom behind my words. "Understandable, let me start by telling you how sorry I am for my past foolishness. I was young, stupid and unappreciative of what I had. Melia, it's only after I lost you that I realized just how much you meant to me—"

"After you lost me? Gabriel, it's been four years and counting. Please tell me when you had that revelation because you had plenty of time to make things right, yet, you never did, not even after I pathetically begged you to," I said interrupting him. It felt so good to say those words out loud to his face.

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