Part 20 - The execution

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I stood nervously chewing my thumb, turning this way and that way, in front of the mirror. Today was Monday, dooms day. And I was sweating my outfit, I don't want to dress up for my execution but I don't want to dress too casual either, that might give the impression that I didn't care.

Let's go out guns blazing, might as well walk the plank in style. Miss Priss offered her opinion.

I did end up in a little black dress with killer Black pumps. Stylish, yet still a morbid enough colour. I didn't know if Tiffany would fire me or settle for keeping me on as a toy to torture. It was a coin toss, 50/50 chance of a 100% disappointment either way.

What a weekend, it was one hell of a ride. Who knew a single stranger you bumped into on an elevator could so drastically change your circumstances in such a short period of time? It might yet turn out to be another cosmic glitch. I wished Axel would have stayed, just to talk, last night. I am glad I didn't hold my breath. He left. Leaving me with a million questions, unsure of where we now stand, or what we were...

His abrupt exit made me paranoid. Where could he possibly go that's better than here? Where would he rather have been than with me?

My thoughts on all the uncertainties regarding my potential love life consumed me. It was only once the familiar click-clacking of stilettos on the marble floors reached my ears that I remembered my certain fear of the Tiff-Monster.

Funny, I always assumed the elevator to hell would go down not up to the top floor of the Vogue building. Miss Priss remarked.

When the elevator doors pinged open, I stepped out. Anxious stares greeted me from every angle of the shared office space. That typical—shame, but rather you than me—stare. The impending doom rolled of their lipstick stained lips, proof of the terminal gossip disease this place suffered from. I swallowed the dread and made my way to my sad little, banished to the corner, desk.

I only made it halfway there when I heard my name. I hated the way it sounded in that icy tone. I clutched my bag closer to my side, a small attempt at comfort before I slowly turned to face her.

"Good morning Melia," she said. As always she looked flawless from head to toe. Her tight nude dress with gold detail around the hem, all the way to her gold pumps, looked runway ready.

"M-m-morning..." I managed in return.

She stood tall and elegant, one hand on her hip while admiring her nails on the other. "You must know that your scandalous behaviour from yesterday morning is no secret in this office. I value full disclosure," she said flipping her platinum hair over her shoulder.

I gave her a small nod, then lowered my eyes to the greyish marble floors. For a moment I was distracted by my disgust upon realizing that the damn janitor polished these floors to the point that I could stare up my own skirt in the reflection.

That dirty old man. Miss Priss scowled at the revelation.

"...that said, you should know...Melia? Melia, are you even listening to me?" she interrupted herself when she noticed my vague expression. I was still staring up my own skirt in amusement.

"Sorry, what?" I snapped back to reality, burning red with embarrassment.

"I said, Axel came to me last night and he explained everything. We are good, so I am willing to let you off with a warning," she said with fake sincerity. The truth lingered in the corners of her mouth they twitched with her malicious intent.

I stared at her stunned, unbelieving. Did Axel leave me last night to go to her, why?

"Ask your friend Lori, she was here," Tiffany said, waving her hand towards Lori standing to my right.

I turned to look at Lori, silently begging for her to tell me otherwise. Lori gave me a sad look, her little confirming nod even sadder.

My heart sank to rock bottom. Once again my bliss burned out. Luckily this time it was after three days and not three years. I did not have any future planned, nor was I deeply and madly in love, but I did hope...

I was falling for him, but it seems hope was a high place to fall from and reality a cold, hard place to land on.

"Your words seem to be misleading, Tiffany," a deep male voice spoke, making every hen and flamboyant rooster in this house turn their head with interest.

Axel casually leaned against the wall next to the elevator, wearing only a tight black t-shirt and a tight enough pair of jeans. He looked decadent, his arms crossed to showcase his biceps, no sign of his usual black rimmed glasses just those blue eyes and a charming smile. Everyone took a second glance at the stud calmly staring Tiffany down.

"Axel, honey, what are you doing here?" Tiffany gave a nervous giggle after she herself looked him up and down.

"I came to visit the most beautiful girl in the world," he said, pushing himself off the wall and sauntering closer to a blushing Tiffany.

I stood watching them, the knife in my heart twisting painfully. This too shall pass, and I shall be stronger for it. There is no point mourning that was never mine to begin with.

Besides, what didn't kill us was never stronger than us. Miss Priss said holding her head high.

He leaned across the desk, placing his fist on the table, staring directly at her. What I didn't understand was why she looked so uncomfortable. He basically told her what every woman alive wished the magic mirror on the wall would say.

"That's sweet babe, now go wait in my office, I am almost done here," she said quickly.

"Not before you tell everyone here exactly what I told you last night since you value full disclosure so much," he said giving her that panty-dropping smile of his.

Tiffany visibly lost her cool and walked closer to talk to Axel in whispered yells. She looked desperate and angry, but he just laughed in her face. "If you won't enlighten them, I will..." he said loudly standing straight and walking closer to the middle of the room.

"Melia..." he voiced my name.

" he voiced my name

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