Chapter 34

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My parents were busy with doctors appointments and other previous engagements last week so we couldn't have dinner until this weekend. Jackson suggested we go out to a popular restaurant that is known for their burgers since that's all my dad ever orders when we go out for dinner. Jackson wears beige pants and an untucked blue button-up. He was going to wear a suit but I convinced him it was too much. I wear a nice dress and flats.

As we wait for my parents to arrive at the restaurant, I notice how nervous Jackson is. Slipping my hand onto his thigh, I give it a gentle squeeze and kiss his cheek. "Just calm down. They'll love you."

He looks into my eyes, worry clear in his eyes. "What if they don't?"

"They will," I promise.

"What if they know we've had sex before marriage. Your dad won't like me if he thinks we're having sex," he says worriedly.

I chuckle. "They won't know."

He glares at me. "It isn't funny. Parents know these things. They can tell."

I sigh. "They won't care. I am an adult and am fully capable of doing adult things."

He shakes his head. "I've never met any of my girlfriend's parents."

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Was this too soon? Shaking my head, I lace my fingers with his. "Kiss me," I say. He looks at me like I'm crazy so I sigh. "Just do it."

Leaning in, his lips hesitantly meet mine. As we kiss, I can tell he is calming. We pull apart and he takes a deep breath. He squeezes my hand a little tighter and I look around the room, spotting my parents walking through the door. Smiling, I stand up and wave them over. Jackson stands and shakes their hands when they reach the table. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. and Mr. Smith. I am Jackson Lancaster."

My mom smiles warmly at him. "I'm glad I finally get to meet you. I thought she was going to keep you hidden forever," she winks.

I see him visibly relax as he laughs. "I wouldn't have let her."

"So you're the man who has stolen my daughter's heart," my dad says. "You already have half of my blessing by bringing me here. I love this place."

Jackson smiles at me and I can tell that he really is happy. It makes me feel a little better about this. He pulls out my chair and helps me sit down before sitting beside me. After we've ordered, we have some casual conversation. But it isn't long before the real interrogation begins. "How did you two meet?" my dad asks.

My smile falters and I glance at Jackson nervously. What will my parents think about the way we met? Jackson takes a deep breath before glancing at me. "Well, while I was out of town, one of my employees hired Emery to be my housekeeper. When I finally got the chance to meet her, I instantly liked her. We got to know each other better and I told her I had feelings for her. Since it was wrong to see each other while she was my employee, she found a different job and got her own apartment."

My dad looks at us impassively and my mom smiles. "Everything happens for a reason."

"If you were so willing to see your employee, why should I believe you'll be faithful to my daughter when you work with a number of women each day?" my dad asks.

Just as I'm about to yell at my dad for asking such a thing, I take a moment to think about the question. The only woman I've worried about was Sophie - I've never even considered all of the women he sees at work. I mean, that is how we got together but I know I can't be that paranoid assuming girlfriend. It's wrong.

Jackson clears his throat. "I have not been in many relationships so I want you to know that your daughter is special. She is the only woman that is able to steal me away from my job. I used to spend more time at work than I did at home but now it's the opposite way because I can't seem to leave her for long," Jackson says with a smile.

My dad seems to accept his answer and change of subject because he begins asking about his work. Once we've finished eating, we sit around the table talking. My dad is telling Jackson about some football game he saw last night when I spot someone across the room. My body tenses and I frown, gaining Jackson's attention. His eyes dart around the room, stopping on Liam. Beside him is a beautiful brunette who I've been trying my best to avoid. Her eyes land on me and she points to our table.

When they reach the table, my parents greet them happily while I grit my teeth. Liam pulls over a couple chairs from an empty table and they sit down. "I don't know if you remember me but I'm -"

"I know who you are," Jackson says, cutting him off.

I notice Danielle's confidence slip for a moment but as quickly as it falls, it's back. She plasters a big smile on her face and holds out her hand. "Danielle. It's nice to meet you."

"You too."

My mom leans forward with a big smile on her face. "You wouldn't believe what a great man Jackson is. He took Emery out on a date this weekend and stayed near the Grand Canyon for one night then stayed at the MGM in Las Vegas the next night."

Jackson's hand slips beneath mine on the table and he laces his fingers with mine. Noticing the gesture, Danielle raises her eyebrow. "Looks like he proposed too."

My dad stretches to see as I quickly shake my head but Jackson replies before I can. "It's a promise ring. I wanted her to know that only she has my heart so there won't be any competition and I will always be there for her and her family."

My mom stares at him in awe. "She hit the jackpot with you. Now you need to work on having some babies," she winks.

I shift uncomfortably but Jackson only smiles. "Not just yet. I'd like to show Emery the world first."

"That's fine," she nods. "I just want some grandchildren before I die."

"That's why I came to dinner tonight," Danielle says. "I'm pregnant."

With those two words, the night begins to revolve around her and I find myself hating her even more.

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