Chapter 15

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When I get inside, I go to the table where Jasmine is sitting. I pick up my glass and finish my drink before leaning down towards her. "I'm going back to the hotel."

She frowns. "Why?"

I shrug. "My feet hurt and I'm kind of bored."

"Well, I'll go with you."

I shake my head. "I don't want to ruin your night. Stay. I'll call a taxi."

She shakes her head. "I'm bored too. Let's go."

Before we make it to the lobby, Thomas catches us. He tries to get us to stay but we politely decline. As soon as we reach the lobby I notice Jackson standing with two other men. His hands are in his pockets and he looks relaxed. I focus on Thomas as he says his goodbyes. "It was a pleasure, Emery."

I smile and see Jackson's head turn towards me from the corner of my eye. "Have a good night, Thomas."

He leans down to kiss my cheek and I return the gesture. Jasmine links her arm with mine and pulls me out the front door where we climb into one of the courtesy cars. The driver takes us back to the hotel and I go to my room feeling disappointed about the night. I did not expect things to go like that. Sophie was a big shock although I wasn't sure what to expect. I don't even compare to her and it's upsetting because Jackson obviously has feelings for the woman still.

Taking off my dress, I change into an oversized t-shirt and crawl into bed. Hopefully, tomorrow is a better day.


I jump awake when I feel someone shaking me gently. Jackson is sitting on the edge of the bed with the lamp on. I squint at him before rubbing my eyes and rolling over. He pulls me onto his lap and I realize that he's shirtless. I curl up into a ball and cling to his warm body tiredly. "What time is it?" I ask, still feeling exhausted.

"One o'clock in the morning," he says, smelling faintly of whiskey.

"Why did you wake me?" I ask, keeping my eyes closed.

"My grandparents always said never go to bed angry so I'm going to fix this."

"We can do it in the morning," I mumble, yawning.

He sighs. "But you're upset with me. And I'm upset with you."

"I don't want to do this right now," I whine. "I'm exhausted. Please just let me get some sleep."

Opening my eyes, I attempt to climb off of him but he holds me in place. "Then say you forgive me."

"I can't."

He frowns. "I need to know we're okay."

I groan in frustration. "We are."

"Prove it."

Using all of my anger and frustration, I push him back onto the bed and kiss him. We're okay - for now - but I know this will come back to bite me in the ass. His hands slide up my thighs to my ass. Just as he slips his tongue between my lips, I pull away. "Goodnight, Jackson."

I climb off of him and he lays there for a long moment. Once he has caught his breath, he sits up and looks okay. "I don't believe we're okay but I'll let you get some sleep anyways."

He stands up and turns off his lamp before making his way to the couch. I feel slightly guilty since I made things worse by going to the dinner, especially because he didn't want me there. We're both upset with each other but there's no sense in throwing away our relationship that has just begun. Crawling out of bed, I carefully walk over to the couch and grab his hand. "Come lay with me."

He doesn't move so I tug on his hand and he sits up. Standing, he follows me to the bed where I drop his hand. I crawl over to the farthest side of the bed so he can lie down next to me. Once he is laying beside me, I lay my head on his chest and pull the blankets over us. "I'm sorry," I pause. "I know I made things worse by going and I really do regret it."

"Emery, I didn't invite you because I know how I am around Sophie. I don't know which way is up and down when I'm near her," he admits. "It's because she was the first person I had feelings for and she told me so many lies that I don't even know who she is anymore. But when you two were in the same room, all I could focus on was you. Especially when you let Thomas put his hands on you."

"It was a dance," I say softly. "And if I remember correctly, it was okay when Sophie put her hands on you."

He takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry. She screws with my head every time she sees me. But trust me when I say I never want to be with her again."

I kiss his chest. "I believe you."

There's a long moment of silence before he leans down to kiss the top of my head. "When we first got here, you said you wanted to go slow. But the other day..."

"That was for you. I do want to take things slow but there's something you should know," I say softly.

"What is it?"

I can feel my face burning and I hesitate to tell him. "I've never... done anything like that," I admit.

He turns his head towards me. "You're a virgin?" I nod and he pulls my chin up to kiss me. "I'm glad you told me. I'm glad I'll get the honor of being with you for your first time."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Mr. Lancaster." I chuckle. "In the meantime, I don't mind a little innocent playing."

He groans. "You're killing me. But I won't be the first one to make the moves. You're in charge."

I smile. "Good."

He begins playing with my hair and before I know it, I'm fast asleep.

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