Chapter 23

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The next day I make a few trips to the new house using my car but there are some bigger things I'll need help moving. I would ask my dad but he hasn't left my mother's side since she left the hospital. My finger lingers over Liam's name for a long moment before I force myself to tap on it. It rings a few times before he answers. "Emery. I didn't think you'd ever call," he breathes.

"Well, I kind of need help with something and you're the only one I could think of," I admit.

"I'm glad you called. What do you need?" he asks.

"I'm currently moving and I needed some help with the bigger things if you aren't too busy." I hear someone say something in the background and I frown. "That's her, isn't it?"

He sighs. "Yes, it is. I can come right now."

"Okay. Meet me at my parent's house because my old stuff is in the garage."

He agrees and we hang up. The fact that she is with him makes me think that they're a couple and I hope it isn't that true. We've had our issues over the years but this is the worst thing she has ever done. But Jackson told me to let it go so I am trying to. It's just hard.

When I get to my parent's house, I notice that they aren't home. I use my key to get into the garage and open the overhead door. I'm pulling some thing's out when Liam pulls into the driveway with his truck. Thankfully Danielle isn't with him so I breathe a sigh of relief. "Hey. Why are you moving? Did you quit or something?"

"I found a better job," I say.

"That's good."

I nod. "This is what I've pulled out so far but my stuff is all in that corner. I have a bed, dresser, and nightstands."


We begin loading his truck in silence. The nightstands fit in the backseat of my car so there's enough room on his truck for everything else. I lock up the garage and tell him to follow me over to the new place where we unload everything. He goes back out to his truck and returns with a few tools. "You don't have to put it together. I planned on doing it tonight," I say.

He shrugs. "It's no problem."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," he says, beginning to put my bed together. "So what's your new job?"

"I have to drop off my applications tomorrow," I say. "One is for a personal assistant and the other is for a waitress position at a nice restaurant. The both pay well."

He glances at me over his shoulder. "Why would you quit your other job if you haven't actually been hired?"

"I haven't quit the other place yet but he knows I'm looking for a new job."

He nods and continues to put the bed together. I open a couple of boxes and begin hanging my clothes in the closet. The rest of my clothing is put in my dresser. I am getting ready to open another box when my phone begins ringing. "Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, baby. What are you doing?" Jackson asks.

I smile. "Missing you."

He chuckles. "I miss you too."

I suddenly remember Liam is in the room so I excuse myself, going outside to sit on the front porch. "We need to talk about something," I say.

"What is it?" he asks, concern hinting in his voice.

"I was going to pay my parents rent today but their landlord said it was already paid by my boyfriend."

"I knew you wouldn't allow me to help you find an apartment so I wanted you to have the extra money. You never have to worry about anything while you're with me," he says.

I sigh. "I know I don't but I don't want you to think I expect it because I don't. You've spent a lot of money on me in the little amount of time that we've been together. It sort of feels like your buying me."

"Don't feel like that. I'm just spoiling you like a boyfriend should. You only feel this way because you're not used to all the material," he says. "I know you didn't have much as a child and that's why it feels like so much now. You'll get used to it - trust me."

I bite lip. The money comes with him whether I like it or not. "Okay," I say softly.

He takes a deep breath. "I wish I was there with you. Have you started looking for another job yet?"

"Yeah. I found a couple of places that pay well. I'll try my luck with both of them."

"That's good. What about an apartment?"

I hesitate for a moment, knowing he isn't going to like my answer. "I found one yesterday. We've already signed the lease and I've paid the first months rent. It's perfect."

He's quiet for a long moment. "If you need help let me know and I'll hire some people."

I place my hand on my forehead. "I asked Liam to help. He used his truck to bring my things over and he's putting my bed together right now."

"I knew I should've brought you with me. Maybe I should just come back."

My eyes widen. "Don't do that. You said you had business to attend to. I'll be fine. Don't you trust me?"

He sighs. "Of course. I just don't like that guy."

"In all fairness, he didn't know I had feelings for him so he didn't think he was doing anything wrong."

"Yeah, I know. I guess I'm just a little upset because you won't be there anymore."

"I'll be waiting in your bed when you get home," I say with a smile.

I can just picture his smile and it lifts my mood. "I can't wait. I have to go now but I'll talk to you again soon," he says.

We say our goodbyes and I sigh in content. I have never felt like this before and it scares me. But I'm finally happy so I know this is for the best.

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