Chapter 35

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When we get home, Jackson unlocks the door since he's holding my phone and keys. I slam the door shut behind me and make my way into my bedroom. He follows me, quietly closing the door behind him. I struggle to get my zipper down on the back of my dress and groan in frustration. Jackson's large hands cover mine and he moves them aside. "Let me help," he says softly.

After pulling the zipper down, his fingertips trace my spine to my lower back and I exhale deeply. His hands gently rub up against my back to my shoulders and he slowly pushes it off. The dress pools around my ankles, leaving me standing in my bra and panty set he bought me. Turning around, I press my lips to his and kiss him fervently. As we kiss, I begin undressing him. He hooks his thumbs in the side of my panties and pushes them off before tossing my bra to the floor. Pulling apart, he hands me a condom and quickly undresses. I tear it open then hand it back.

Once it's on, he lifts me up and slowly guides himself into me. He gives me a moment to get used to him before withdrawing and pushing his full length back into me again, causing me to whimper. He lays me on the bed and begins kissing me while setting a quick pace. I gasp against his lips and he pulls away. My arms wrap around his body and my hands curl as my back arches. He moans, capturing my lips once again and tugging at my bottom lip with his teeth. I feel something building deep within my and before I know it, I am coming apart.

We're still for a long while as we come down from our high but as soon as he has caught his breath, he sits up so he's kneeling and I'm sitting astride him. The position allows more of his body to be in mine and a soft moan escapes my lips. He pecks my lips before wrapping his arms around me, hugging me tightly. Shocked, it takes me a moment to reciprocate but when I do, my body melts into his. A hot tear escapes my eye and I sniffle. "I can't compete with her. She will always win," I say softly. "My parents don't even see me when she's around. This was our night and she ruined it."

His big hand caresses my back. "I know, baby. I'm sorry. Maybe next time we can have dinner here so she can't intrude."

I chuckle humorlessly. "I'm sure she would find a way."

He lifts me off of him and sets me beside him. "So confront your parents about it. Maybe they don't realize that they're doing it," he says, getting up and walking into the bathroom.

I frown. I've never thought of it like that but there's no way I could confront them. "What if they get upset with me? Even if they don't treat me equally, I still love them and don't want them to be mad at me."

"They won't," he says, joining me on the bed. "If anything, they'll feel guilty."

I sigh. "Let's talk about something else."

"Like what?" he asks, laying across the bed with his hands behind his head.

My eyes uncontrollably glance down his body. "I don't know."

He smirks, noticing my gawking. "Our amazing sex life."

I roll my eyes. "If it's amazing then there's nothing to talk about."

"Sure there is," he nods. "When is your appointment for birth control?"

"Monday," I answer.

He glances up at the ceiling as if he's trying to remember his plans for the week. "What time?" he asks.


He frowns. "I have a meeting. Have you decided what method you're going to use?"

I lay on my stomach beside him, using my elbows to hold myself up. "Not yet. Either the pill or shot."

He gives me a stern look. "If you're not going to remember to take the pill every day then you need to get the shot. If you somehow got pregnant, I would happily support you and our child but I am not ready to be a father yet. I'd rather keep practicing," he winks.

I smile but it quickly fades. "So you want kids one day?" I ask.

"Eventually," he nods. "I'd like a couple but not for another few years. At least not until we're married."

Since we both seem to be thinking about our future together, I should probably tell him how I feel about this. Part of me feels guilty so I hesitate. "Jackson, I don't want kids."

He stares at me for a long moment before turning his gaze up to the ceiling. After what feels like an eternity, he turns to me. "Why not?"

I shrug a little. "I don't want them to have to go through what I did as a child. Our relationship isn't guaranteed and I don't want my children to suffer."

He frowns. "Even if we didn't last, I would completely support you and our child."

"I know you would," I say. "But your wealth isn't guaranteed either. We could lose everything tomorrow. You have to see this from my point of view," I say. "Some nights we couldn't even eat. I actually got the chance to go to college and now I'm stuck with a lifetime of debt. I'll never find a way to pay my loans and I regret going to college because of it."

Although he seems unhappy with the entire situation, he doesn't say anything else. I know it's hard for him to understand because he has never had to go without. From a young age, he has had more opportunities than most people. He was privileged enough to get an empire handed to him as a young adult.

This is something I've always felt strongly about so I doubt anyone could change my mind. But unfortunately that's what I want and if he doesn't accept that, he'd have to find someone who wants what he does. The thought makes me sad. Neither of us says anything else. Instead, we fall asleep surrounded by silence.

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