Chapter 36

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Today was my doctor's appointment and I went with the shot as Jackson suggested. I wouldn't remember to take the pill when I needed to so the shot was definitely the safer choice. With the shot, I only have to come in every three months which is a lot easier in my eyes. We have to use condoms for a week and then we're good to go.

Last night Jackson and I went out for dinner and discussed our plans for the rest of the week. I work every day until Friday - I have Friday and Saturday off then I'll return to work on Sunday. He asked me to accompany him to a charity event a close family friend is holding and I agreed to go, deciding to go shopping for a dress after my appointment today.

Now I am walking through the store in search of a dress. When I spot the clearance area, I smile and make my way over to the section with my size. Just as I'm reaching for a dress that caught my attention, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Pulling it out, I glance at the screen and am just about to put it away when I realize it's an email about my student loans. Normally I wouldn't pay too much attention to it but the first two words shown are Thank you...

I unlock my phone and tap on the notification, quickly scanning over the message. My body fills with fury and I lock it before slipping it in my pocket. Turning on my heel, I quickly make my way back outside to my car. Without hesitating, I drive straight into the city and before I know it, I am pulling into the parking garage beside the tall building. As I make my way towards the entrance, I take a moment to admire the building's beauty. The whole exterior of the building is covered with black glass that reflects the street.

Putting my mind back on the task at hand, I walk into the building, determined to fix this. In the very center of the room is a round reception area where I check in. "What can I do for you?" the beautiful brunette asks with a polite smile.

"I am here to see Mr. Lancaster. Is he in at the moment?" I ask.

She frowns. "Did you have an appointment?"

I shake my head. "Well, no but I won't be long."

She gives me an apologetic look. "Mr. Lancaster has strict rules on not allowing anyone up if they don't have an appointment. Would you like me to set one up for you?"

I sigh in annoyance. "I'm his girlfriend. Surely you could make an exception."

She raises her eyebrows. "I wasn't aware that he was in a relationship."

I groan in frustration. "Look, you can have security escort me up if you'd like to prove that I am actually his girlfriend or I can just call him if that'd be easier."

Her eyes widen. "There's no need to call him. Take the elevator up to the top floor. I'll let his secretary know that you're on your way up."

Thanking her, I turn and go to the elevators. When I get to the top floor, I walk up to the desk where a woman is standing. She greets me with a warm smile. "I'll let know Mr. Lancaster that you're here."

"Thank you," I nod.

She cracks the door open and leans in, giving me the chance to see what Jackson is doing. That son of a bitch. He is sitting on the edge of his desk, leaning forward to hold a woman's hand between both of his. When his eyes meet mine, they widen. The woman glances over her shoulder and I realize it's Sophie. I feel like I am going to faint so I take a step back. "Actually, I have somewhere to be. I'll come again some other time."

I turn and head for the elevator, pressing the button repeatedly. When the doors open, a hand catches mine. "Stay. She was just leaving," Jackson says.

I pull my hand away and step into the elevator but when Sophie steps in, I frown. Jackson steps in and holds out his hand. "Emery, come into my office so we can talk."

I stand there stubbornly until he gently pulls my chin up, looking into my eyes. His eyes plead me and I find my wall slowly disintegrating. Placing my hand in his, I follow him into his office. "Cancel my next meeting then take your lunch. I don't want any interruptions until I let you know otherwise."

"Yes, sir," the woman replies after a moment's hesitation.

Once we're in his office, he releases my hand to close and lock his office door. When he turns to me, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "She is going through some financial issues and asked for my help. I was the only one who could help."

"How convenient," I snap. "She may want your money but I don't."

He furrows his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"You paid off my student-fucking-loans!" I yell. "That was my responsibility and I never asked for your charity."

He looks hurt and for a moment I feel a little guilty. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh. "I was only trying to help. You shouldn't regret getting an education."

"That's my business though. You had no right to pay for it without asking me."

"I give out scholarships. Every year my money is what allows thousands of kids to go to school," he says. "You aren't the only person I've helped. Don't feel bad about it."

Closing my eyes, I rub my temples. "Whatever. I'm going home."

"Not until I know we're okay," he says.

Opening my eyes, I sigh. "We're fine," I say exasperated.

Tilting my chin up, his lips meet mine. The kiss quickly escalates and he lifts me up, carrying me to his desk. He sets me down on the floor and turns me around. Pushing my hair over my right shoulder, he kisses my neck. I feel him reaching between us and my breathing picks up. He moves slightly to get his pants down before pulling my skirt up around my waist. After sliding my panties down my thighs, he places his palm at the center of my back and presses me forward. Thankfully there are only a few papers on this part of his desk so I just push them off before laying my head against the dark wood. He tears into the condom then carefully rolling it onto his erection. With one thrust, he is buried deep within me and all the breath leaves my body.

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