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Cassandra sat on the beach with her brother's wife next to her as they tanned when Cassandra's phone rang.
"Hello," Cassandra chirped as the ocean watered gently caressed her toes.
"Hey baby," A familiar voice said on the other end of the line.
"Gemma, um hey," Cassandra whispered and Danielle looked at her sister in law.
"Hey baby, I was wondering if you could come home. We need you," Gemma asked softly.
"I'm on vacation right now Gemma. I can't just drop everything besides you know how I feel about seeing HIM," she whispered gently.
"I know babygirl but Happy needs you. We all do please come back," Gemma begged softly and Cassandra sighed as she heard the desperation in her voice.
"Fine, but I'm not coming back for the club. Plus Ma has been calling me nonstop because Happy wants to know where I am," Cassandra sighed.
"There's a party next week! I will see you then. Oh and try to come early. I will pick you up from the airport," Gemma said then hung up.
With a groan, Cassandra fell back and looked up at the sky.
What did she just get into?

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