The Host Club meets Koharu! (Haruhi's Pov)

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Koharu was always very tomboyish she had short hair and only played with boys. That's why I gave her the choice because she would NEVER wear that banana! It seemed my sister liked being a boy better anyway so I didn't care. She's where I learned to not care if people addressed me as a boy or a girl so it's now time for the dreaded day. Oy vey.

"Haruhi who is that boy behind you he looks just like you!" exclaimed one of Haruhi's customers "This is my identical twin brother!" I stated "Hello my name is Koharu and as Haruhi said I'm his twin brother", said Koharu "Can you tell us about yourself?", "What do you like to do?", asked another girl. "I like to jump off things um I also love my brother and you ladies are great too!" As Koharu said that the girls almost fainted! "Mwaheehheeheee" "What do we have here?", "Haruhi's twin!!!", "Two Haruhi's it's too good to be true!!" Exclaimed Renge. "Hello miss" said Koharu "It's awful nice a girl as cute as you speaks so highly of my brother!" ,"What is your name?" After Koharu said that all the girls started screaming "MOE!!!" "My name is Renge!" "Pleased to meet you Renge!"

Time skip 5 months... (Koharu's Point Of View)

"We're going to the beach!" "Hooray Hooray!" Wow the twins sure are happy about this... They gave me some swim trunks  and a swim shirt and gave Haruhi the same things. "Haruhi, Koharu want to go swimming with us", asked some girls "Sure." Me and Haruhi said in unison. "Haruhi and Koharu-Kun aren't you going to take your shirt off like the other boys?" asked a girl "Well Haruhi here doesn't like having his shirt off he says it feels weird I don't understand it but still, isn't that right lil bro?" "Yeah yeah yeah don't make fun of me Koharu! "Chill Haru." "Well I think it's so Kawaii how you two are!" exclaimed a girl "Ya think so?" We asked in unison. "Let's go swimming!" We said in unison again. As we swam I almost swam onto this cliff rock but Haruhi saved me and he was the one that hit it and as I watched my sister fall I wondered why couldn't it be me. Mori-Senpai got her but it was too late.

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