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Twins Pov-----------
When we woke up this morning we thought about Koharu. For some reason he just makes us feel flustered and like we're supposed to take care of him.
Just Kaoru's pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hikaru's a bit of a dummy. He can't realize he's in love with Koharu. I've realized it. He has the ability to make me feel every emotion with just one smile. He looks just like Haruhi except with Reddish-Brownish eyes. I don't want to be gay but I can't stop from loving him. I just hope Hikaru realizes it soon.

Now Hikaru's pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I always thought I was in love with Haruhi until Koharu came. I don't know what to think anymore. He's so small and fragile but she's not at the same time. 🎶Maybe you're my love🎶

Koharu pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Every time I see the twins I feel a ping. I feel embarrassed when I talk to them. I wish I knew what this was. I can't help think they're cute. They don't even know I'm female. They'll never be gay even if I am a girl. If they do love me they might just be gay and if they find out I'm not a guy they'll hate me for it. I can't stop loving them.

Haruhi pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<
Stupid Koha. She can't realize her own feelings. She tries denying that they're there or that she's ever felt them. It's only because she's been hurt before though. She wants to accept it with her heart but there's still that one person. The person that changed her forever. She always tries to fake smile and be cheerful but I can see and feel the whole in her heart. The wound from him is starting to close so I hope he doesn't come back soon.

Haruhi's Twin! ohshc (Book 1 of the siblings?? collection)Where stories live. Discover now