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When I came home from school I felt a bit like an outsider to the host club. I mean everyone was in love with Haruhi. The only attention I got was from Hikaru and Kaoru. I mean and they would never notice me. As a girl I mean. They don't even know I'm a girl! Well I guess it's not too bad. At least Haruhi pays attention to me. Maybe she'll be my only friend. "KOHA CHAN, HARU CHAN!!" Said Honey as he jumped onto my shoulders. "Hey Honey-Senpai." Me and Haru said in unison. Then Tamaki came and I said "Hey Tamaki-Senpai."  while Haruhi said "H-h-hey Tamaki- s-s-senpai." and she started blushing. "Awwwww my wittle sissy has a wittle cwushie????" I said, making her embarrased. "Shut up Koharu! First, you're only 3 minutes older than me. Second, you say that again and I'll tell them who YOU like." Haruhi said,  satisfied successfully making me a deep crimson red. "Haruhi, Koharu we're going swimming." the twins cheered making me go a teeny bit pink. "Do you like me Koharu?" "Or do you like me Koharu?" the twins said again. "Which one is Hikaru?" The twins asked. "It's obvious. You're Hikaru and you're Kaoru. Bakas." Me and and Haruhi said in unison "WRONNNNNNGGGG!" The twins cheered.  "No," I started, "We know," Haruhi said. "We're right ." We finished. The twins looked awe-struck. "Ah it's nice to mess with the twins isn't it?" I asked Tamabaka. "DADDY TAMABAKA!!!!!!!" I screamed, "HELP MEHHHHH THE EVIL KYOYA IS GONNA RAISE HARUHI'S DEBT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I pleaded to Tamabaka for help because Kyoya just threatened to raise our debt. FOR NOTHING! "You called me daddy!" Tamaki swooned singing "Moe moe!" I should have know Tamabaka would be no help. "Anyway for our swimming trip you're gonna have to bring a swim suit." said Kyoya with a blank look on his face. "Yeah and you can't wear those swim trunks you wore last time." said Hikaru . "Unless." the twins whispered "It's to us. We don't want you showing that much skin in front of other guys." I blushed a bright crimson but tried to hide it and said "Stop with the flirting. I'm a guy so that doesn't work on me." "Oh really?" One asked "Then why are you blushing?" The other finished. "I-i-I'm not i s-s-swear" I said shyly. They passed out. My cute plan worked! Hooray!

Haruhi's Twin! ohshc (Book 1 of the siblings?? collection)Where stories live. Discover now