One of us. (Alternate ending)

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I woke up from a bad dream. 'I'm hungry' I thought. I rubbed my eyes and walked into the. Kitchen? 'What the heck happened??? Where am I?' I was confused. Apparently I walked into a bedroom. And in there were two ginger-haired twins. I blushed. "U-u-um. Gomen!" (Gomen is sorry.) I realized I only had on a thin tee. I covered up my chest with my arms.
"Aww. Is widdle Kohawu ashamed of his body?" Hikaru said in a teasing manner. My cheeks were as red a blooming rose. My eyes were the deepest brown. You guys are the darlings of my heart! Stay till the sungoes down... "Anyway how did I get here?" "Ah Rei, so naive. Is it okay if I call you by your middle name?" Kaoru rhetorically asked me. "No you can not call me Rei." I answered with a smirk. "Okay Rei!" The twins said in unison. I gave up and pounced on them. We all had a big group hug. They kissed me. I enjoyed it. "Rei?" Hikaru asked. "Yeah?" I replied. "Are you a girl?" I realized they could see my chest. "Yes. But. YOU PERVS!!!" I slapped them. They're so annoying! But I love them for it.

Haruhi's Twin! ohshc (Book 1 of the siblings?? collection)Where stories live. Discover now