I'm Haruhi. I'm Koharu. And we're the Fujioka twins!

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Today is technically my first "Official" day of hosting. Since I'm working with Haruhi it'll be a breeze. I mean. Um. Time skip to the host club!

"Hello Ladies!" me and Haruhi said together. There were a couple of new clients which was cool. "Haruhi who's this?" they asked me. "Sorry ladies but I am Koharu, Haruhi's twin."I said, smoothly. "So that's why you look like him!"the girls said. "This is not a music room. I swear it." Haruhi muttered after Renge started coming up from the ground. "Oh! Hey Renge!" I said, excitedly because Renge was nice even though she was in love with Haruhi. "Hi Koharu! Hi Haruhi!"Renge said because she was happy to see us. "Hello phony prince." Renge muttered as I laughed. Poor Tamaki-Senpai though. He started growing mushrooms in the corner. Haruhi went to comfort him. I think Haruhi is in love with him!?!?!?! But then the chairman came in. "Hello Haruhi my dearest nephew! And who is this? Another nephew?"The chairman said. 'like father like son' I thought. "Yes sir." Haruhi said.  "Oh you know I told you to call me "Uncle Yuzuru!" Uncle Yuzuru said. "Come over for dinner sometime! And bring your family!" "Ok Uncle Yuzuru!" Haruhi said. "OMG you are soooo cute!!!!!" He kinda reminds me of dad for some reason...  Then he talked to Tamaki and left. "I have an announcement everyone!"said Tamaki. "The Host club will be permanently suspended!" WAIT WHAT!

Haruhi's Twin! ohshc (Book 1 of the siblings?? collection)Where stories live. Discover now