New mission

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I woke up in my room with a worried Allura and Pidge standing over me. "What happened?" I groan and momentarily forget my shoulder and try push my self up into a sitting position. Only to cry out in dismay and flop right back down again.

"Keith you fainted. For what I can tell it seems that you landed on your shoulder during the rescue and managed to split it open causing it to start bleeding again." Pidge carefully avoids my shoulder and lifts me up into a sitting position.

"Did they find out?" I choke out.

"No, luckily for you they just thought that it was the aftermath from the blast." Relived I smile.

"But, I think you need to tell the group." Pidge looks me in the eyes seriously. 

"No, they already have other thing they need to worry about. No use adding a injured paladin to the list." Pidge sighs in annoyance.

"The new amour should protect your shoulder from any more damage but if your not careful." I wave Allura off with my good hand.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Giving me a disapproving look she puts the same liquid containers from before away.

"Now we have re-bandaged your shoulder, but if it starts to hurt you have to promise to tell us straight away." They both glare me down. 

"Ah, sure. Unless your busy then I can just wait." They give me a look.

"No. Keith this is serious. If that shoulder starts hurting you tell us, no buts and ifs." Gulping I nod.

"Now you should rest. The others just went to bed so I expect you to stay here until tomorrow." Sighing I nod and they both walk to the door. 

"Good night Keith." Pidge says looking back.

"Night Pidge." Smiling she walks away. Listning I wait until their foot steps have completely disappeared until sliding out of bed and into the hallway, grabbing my jumper before leaving.

Lances POV

I quietly tip toe down the hallway and to the control room. Walking to the front I notice a figure sitting there already looking out at the stars. My foot squeaks on the floor and the figure spins around in a position to attack. "Oh, its only you." He relaxes.

"Yeah. Mind if I join you?" Without waiting for a answer I take a seat next to him.

"Why are you up?" Keith starts the conversation. 

"Couldn't sleep. That happens a lot so I like to just come here and watch the stars." Shrugging I try not blush from how close I am to Keith.

"What about you. That was quite a scene you pulled today." Keith gives me a half smile and my heart flutters.

"Yeah. Allura and Pidge warned me to stay in bed, until morning." He says chuckling.

"Yes, and you should. You gave the team quite a scare today." there is so much worry in my voice that it's almost embarrassing.
"You don't need to worry about me." The way he says that so emotionless hurts.

"Yeah we do. Keith were a team, a family. We care about you." I care about you. I add in my head.
"Why did you faint today? Allura said that it was just the aftermath from taking the blast, are you sure that that's all?" He smiles and shifts his weight moving his shoulder away from me.

"Yeah, that blast took quite a bit out of me and i also suppose the rescue mission didn't help much." Trying not to remember the way i felt when Keith put his hands on before during the mission, i quickly try think about something else. 

"why couldn't you sleep?" he turns towards me and the moon reflects off of his face. for a moment i forget how to speak.

"i was just worried that was all" trying to play it cool i look away.

"about what?"

"about you." i answer truthfully and from the corner of my eyes i see his eyes widen. "you literally passed out on me and i was worried." i can feel the blush make it's way up my neck.

"thanks Lance" he reply's after a moment. "that mean a lot to me" meeting his gaze i smile.

"no problem, just try not to scare me like that again." Laughing a little i watch as a red flush takes over his face.

"yeah, i'll try not to. for both our sakes"

"hey Keith?"


"do you mind if i stay here for a while?" he answers straight away.

"sure, i don't mind" Relaxing i lean back against the wall behind me.


Keith's POV

The next morning at breakfast i get a lot of worried "glad your okays" and warning to talk about it sooner next time. It wasn't until i had assured everyone that i was fine that we all settled down to hear what Allura has to say about the next mission.

"Okay so we should be arriving at our destination in a few ticks." Coran pushes a few button on his screen.

"i want all of you in and out, no messing about. Just get the pieces and leave. Got it?" We all nod. And turn it the liones sitting majestically behind us.


"Yeah, yeah, in and out. Got it." Waving her off i walk up to red and she softly purrs in my head. "Hey red." Patting her side i take a seat down and the screen lights up. Shiro in black fly out first followed by lance hunk and Pidge. Red stay still for a moment longer and something beeps on my screen and a outline of a body flashes up with a red splotch on the right shoulder. "Im fine red, really."

"Keith you coming?" Lance asked over the Comm's and red fires out of the hanger.

"Yep, right on your tail." Speeding up red catches up quickly. i had fallen asleep last night with lance next to me. but when i had woken up he was gone and his jumper was laid over me.

"Pidge, do you have the scanner up and running?" Shiro in lead is the first to enter the planets atmosphere.

"Yep, if any of the gems are around I'll know." Flying through the weird blue clouds a land of mostly water with scattered islands spreads out below us.

"Keep your eyes peeled for anything that doesn't seem right."

"Like those clouds?" Hunk jokes but there is an edge to his voice.

"Those clouds are definitely weird." Lance agrees. flying closer to the water i look into the clear water, something dark moves and i pull red back up.

"Pidge you getting anything?" Keeping my eyes peeled i watch as island fly past below us.

"Only something small, it might be something. Wait." Trailing off a image flicker onto the screen, a thermal image with dots of blue on it.

"I'm guessing that's the gems we need."

"Yep." Steering red down we fly above the scatter of trees.

"Land down here." Shiro leads up down to a clearing and we all land and move out of our lions.

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