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Keith's POV

the next morning i woke up in Lance's warm arms and for once i had woke up before him. when i looked up at him i couldn't help but smile. he is my boyfriend now, something i could not be happier about.

across the room the door opens and Coran walks in, he is normally the first up. he looks at us and our position for a seconds before giving us a fond smile.

"morning Keith" not commenting on it he walks over to the other side of the room to pick up a small box.

"morning Coran" relaxing i return his smile.

"the others will be up soon. if you want to wake lance up before they come in here yelling." winking to me before leaving he shares this piece of information.

looking back up at Lance i pull my good arm out of his grasp and gently  brush a few strays of hair back

"Lance" i gently whisper his name. "lance, it's time to wake up" running my fingers down the side of his face i shuffle in his arms.

"don't move" he mumbles and pulls me closer, burying his head into my neck. flushing i chuckle and move my arm around to the back of his neck, fiddling with the small mullet he is growing.

"the others are going to be here soon," lifting his neck he pouts at me.


"so, i am trying to wake you up nicely before Pidge decides to dump a bucket of water on you" his eyes widen in horror at the idea. "and as your boyfriend i am obliged to stop that from happening" a huge smile grows on his face and he looks down at me with a loving look in his eyes.

"are you alright with telling the rest about, us?" he asked nervously.

"i am fine with it, Pidge and Shiro already know that i like you. and even if i didn't tell them they would find out pretty fast."

"same with Hunk, and Allura is pretty all knowing." we both laugh at our friends.

"morning guys!" Pidge walks into the room and instantly see's us in the position we are in. blushing brightly i pull away from lance and stand up, letting the blanket fall of of me. he lets out a quiet whine which i ignore.

"hello Pidge" behind her Shiro and Hunk walk in, Hunk looking half asleep still and Shiro looking like he's completely awake.

"oh, your already up" Shiro addresses me, giving me a funny look.

"well now i am" lance grumbles and hops up next to me, disregarding the crutches. sighing i pick up the crutches from beside me and hand them to him.

"don't hurt yourself" i whisper as he takes them.

"aw, you do care" he teases and i glare at him. "talking about that you should get something for your fevers." he advises back, leaning closer to me so that only i can hear. smiling i pull away from him, noticing how close we are. he wears a playful smirk as i head towards the door.

"are you coming Shiro?" pausing i wait for the confused man to follow.

"so what was that about?" i wait until we are out of earshot of the room before answering.

"Lance may or may not have asked me to be his boyfriend last night" 

"and?" he edges on with a knowing smile.

"and i said yes" holding my head high i admit it proudly.

"what did i tell you?" he lightly pushes me in a playful manner.

"i don't know, what did you tell me?" tilting my head to him i put on a dumb look.

"don't be like that, i called it and you know it," making it to my room i scan the door open. "so i suppose i get to say this." pausing i look over at him. "i told you so"

standing in front of my bed i look down at the jumper laying on it, Lance's jumper. The one that i still haven't returned from all those nights ago. do i wear it or not?

"just put it on and lets go, Allura's calling us for training" jumping i turn to see Shiro waiting in the doorway.

"how long?'

"long enough to know that you should wear that jumper. he is your boyfriend now right?"


"then hurry up." leaving the door shuts behind him. giddily i pick up the jumper and slide my arms through the sleeves. pulling it tighter around me i breath in his smell and smile to myself.

Lance's POV

"Sooo,"Pidge draws out. "you and Keith?"

"i asked him to be my boyfriend" i spurt out. "and he said yes"

"congrats dude" patting my back Hunk grins.

"about time, i have had to deal with you two flirting endlessly for ages now." Pidge complains with a smile on her face.

"now come on, you need to shower before Keith does."

"why?" i look between them confused.

"because then you can spill all of the details before he stops you" Pidge pushes me out of the room with an evil look in her eyes.

normally i take forever in the shower, but today i didn't seem to take that long. Hunk claims that it was my quickest shower ever. he probably wasn't exaggerating. once i had gotten out of the shower they pestered me for answers.

somehow i managed not to tell them everything, it was a special moment that is something that happened between us, a treasure for us to keep.

Pidge only backed down when i gave her that reasoning, but by then we had gotten to the training room anyways. neither Shiro or Keith where here yet. crutching over to the stands i sit down on the bottom seats to watch.

a couple of minuets Shiro walks in, Keith follows behind him and my eyes widen. he's wearing my jumper. sure he looks slightly uncomfortable but Damn.

"we haven't even been dating a day and already your wearing my cloths" i comment, checking him out as he sits down next to me.

"well i forgot to give i back before on accident. so i thought i could give it back now" slipping an arm around his waist i pull the two of us together.

"it looks good on you, keep it for now" i whisper into his ear. blushing a little he sort of leans into me, weather it's purposely or accidentally i don't care.

"if you say so."

No one's POV

"aren't they cute together?" Allura fangirls, looking over at the couple.

"I've got to say, they are pretty good together" Pidge agrees.

"i can't wait to see how it evolves" Shiro smiles fondly at his brother.

"their going to be good for each other" 

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