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Keith's POV

"awww! their so cute" i hear Pidge exclaim. i remember what had happened last night and all it takes if for me to keep my eyes closed to stop the blush.

"shhh, you'll wake him" lance hushes from underneath me. fluttering my eyes open i groan at the bright light.

"too bright" i mumble and close my eyes again.

"come on Keith. you've got to get up" opening my eyes again i frown and Shiro.

"i'm sorry that we can't all wake up perfectly like you do" i mumble and only Lance hears. He laughs a little and his chest moves behind me. still i sit up anyways and rub my eyes, trying to get used to the bright light. "did you have to turn the lights on?"

"yes" Hunk nods looking upwards.

"let's go Keith, i have been instructed to make sure that you don't hurt yourself in the shower." at the idea of a nice warm shower i perk up.

"i suppose that okay" standing up i cringe at the sudden pain in my arm as all of the blood starts to move again. waving with my good arm i address Pidge and hunk who are currently pulling faces at Lance. "morning guys."

"morning Keith."

"did you sleep well last night?" Pidge looks up at me with a evil glint in her eyes.

"i slept just fine" keeping my noise normal tone i follow Shiro out.



"lance?" groaning in annoyance i glare at the ground.

"nothing going on" i say in distastefulness. 

"do you wish there was?" the is a whimsical tone to his voice. i don't answer, Shiro knows that i'm gay and i'm pretty sure that he knows about my massive crush on Lance. even though i didn't tell him, brothers are just like that.

"there's nothing that i can do about that" we turn down the corner and onto the hallway that my room is at.

"do you wish there was?"

"yes" answering truthfully i open my door and step inside. untying the sling i throw it onto my bed and move my elbow out.

"you should ask him out" walking into the bathroom Shiro calls back over his shoulder.

"yeah, like that's ever going to happen" pulling my shirt off i throw it to the other side of the room. "he hates me"

"Lance doesn't hate you Keith" the shower starts and Shiro steps out. okay so maybe hate was too strong of a word.

"whatever it is he definitely doesn't like me." 

"you know i was the one who had to ask Matt out" Shiro says, referring to the relationship he was in with Pidge's brother.

"that's because Matt is a dork who thought you where way to out of his league." when those two used to flirt with each other back at the garrison it would drive me mad. mostly because they where both in denial but everyone could tell that they liked each other.

"i'm just saying, you should talk to him." slipping my pants off i walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me. Shiro lets out an exasperate sigh before for the door closes. taking my underwear off i throw it into a laundry basket and step into the shower.

the warm water is nice against my skin as i watch the dirt wash away, letting my thoughts and worries wash away with it.

"is this how you do it?" Lance holds up my red bayard in its sword from.

"no, you need to adjust your grip a little." we are sitting in the training room waiting for the rest to finish their training for the day.

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