🍒Cherry Pie//kakyoin//

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Readers age:6

//surprise kakyoins not dead ahahahahaha
....... Too soon//

You sat on the counter holding a can of cherries as you nibbled on the rim as if that would open it up, all while kicking your legs back and forth

Your dad//holy heck kakyoin did the do :000 but with who?!*cough*//put on an apron as he turned the stove on and heated up a pan

He looked around his area
"Whered those tart cherries go now..." he pulled on his curl and turned to look at you
You looked up from nibbling on the rim of the can and giggled

"here you go papa!"
You handed over the cherries
Kakyoin smiled softly and petted your head
"We're trying to open the can with your teeth again?"
You nodded proudly
"Y/N please don't do that...you'll hurt your teeth"

Hearing this you huffed and crossed your arms
"I'm not a baby no more papa"
Kakyoin chuckled and poked you in the tummy
"No but you're my little cherry"
You smiled at him and raised your arms up towards him as he picked you up and walked with you in his arms to the stove
"I thought you said you weren't a baby no more"
You pouted
"that doesn't mean I don't wanna be carried"

Kakyoin mixed the tart cherries with the other ingredients needed while you sat on the counter and watched
"I wanna stir!"
He handed you the mixing spoon
"becareful dear the cherries are still hot"
You nodded as you gripped the pan handle and stirred slowly,even despite you mixing slowly you still got some cherry juice on the counter
"Sorry papa!"
He chuckled and took the pan away to put on the stove again
" it's okay Y/N losing a little juice won't change it"

While you two waited for the pie to cook you two ate cherries as kakyoin told you his adventures with his friends
"then what happened!?" you gripped the bag of cherries desperate to know what happened
"then the water sliced my eyes!luckily they healed but now I have scars from battle"
You awed in amazement at your father's tales

You rolled the stem of a cherry you just ate around your and spat out it after awhile

you said disappointed
"I can't do that stem knot thingy!!"

Kakyoin took out a stem from his mouth that was successfully in a knot
"you'll get it soon my little cherry"
he booped your nose playfully
You pushed his finger away and booped his nose back

Finally the pie was finish but kakyoin said to wait for it to cool down
*more time skips cause why not ORAORAORA*

You sat down outside on the porch with your Papa and happily ate pie
"Mmm it's so warm!"

Kakyoin smiled watching his daughter/son eat their second serving of pie
"Adorable" he mumbled softly

*dabs because this chapter sucked ass and seemed rush Oh well*
Not the chapter the I was supposed to post but like I needed something up for this book???

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