Who Hurt Her //josuke//

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Reader chans age:15

You walked casually besides josuke and held your school bag besides you

Josuke walked with his hands behind his head still holding his bag

You looked down at your feet while walking

Josuke looked over at you

"What's wrong?You haven't seem like yourself lately"

Quickly you looked up to dismiss the problem

"Oh no it's nothing really"

You forced a smile to reassure your brother that everything was alright

Your brother seemed convinced and kept on walking

The two arrived to the front of the school

Josuke kept on walking through the entrance but you hesitated to step through

You glanced around
There was a group of girls who were whispering silent things to each other

They looked at you and glared, making you even more nervous

"Hey Y/N!Come over here!"

You gulped nervously and walked over reluctantly not wanting to make a scene

"What's wrong we won't bite"

The girl wrapped her arm around your shoulders and pulled you close

You felt uneasy knowing where this was going to lead

Another girl grabbed a lock of your  H/L and twirled around her finger

"When are you gonna get us a date with your brother, huh?"

"Ya when? You promised us"

Nervously you looked down and mumbled something under your breath

The girl who had her arm around you grabbed your face and lifted your head up to meet her eyes

"What was that you again?"

Your eyebrow twitched as you stared her in the face

You inhaled not wanting to take this anymore

"You don't deserve josuke, he'd never be with a snake like you!"

Josuke POV
Something wasn't right with Y/N

She may have been able to pull off a smile but he knew his sisters fake smiles when she didn't want to worry him

Josuke turned around and watched his sister walk over to a group of girls

He eyed the bunch and watch their conversations waiting for a time he should step in

Damn what are they saying to her?

"You don't deserve josuke,he'd never date a snake like you!"

Josuke was stunned at what Y/N yelled  and so was the group of girls

Readers POV

The girls looked at each and some scoffed in annoyance or irritation

The girl who had your face threw you down to the ground, all the girls surround you and looked down at you

Some tsked resting their hands on their hips or crossing their arms

"You shouldn't talk to us like that Y/N were your upperclass men"

A girl kicked you in your side making you yelp in pain,another kick to your other side,then there was shoe digging its way on your head

You shut your eyes and felt hopeless

"Oi back off my sister"

The sudden deep voice scared all the girls making them jump back as josuke broke the circle

You looked up at him with pain and tears in your eyes

Josuke was at your side very quickly and held you in his arms

"Which one of you hurt my sister"

He had a dark look in his eyes as the the other girls stood there scared and nervously watching

You closed your eyes and felt a warm feeling on your bruises,josuke stood you up and dusted you off a bit

"Are you okay, can you walk?"

You poked at your sides and felt shock as the bruising was gone

"I-...i mean yes,don't worry about me josuke"

He nods and turns around around walking slowly up to the girls

"No one hurts a family member who means so much to me....i don't care who you are ill beat the shit out of you!What you did is unforgivable!!"

Oof angsty vibes and that ending Lmao I love josuke💜
Sorry this took so long 😩
Also this chapter is like low key a vent whoops
Anyway leave requests and criticism if you want lol

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