Aquarium //jotaro//

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Jotaro's big hand wrapped around your small hand as you two made your way inside the aquarium

You looked up at all the tanks in awe

The room was dark with some lights on the ceiling but mostly being lit up by the tanks, giving off a blue hue

"Daddy daddy!What's that?"

You pointed to a tank containing several school of fish

Jotaro picked you up and sat you on his shoulder as he moved closer to the tank

"hm lets see"

He first pointed to the school of surgeon fish

"These are surgeon fish, they're currently shoaling

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"These are surgeon fish, they're currently shoaling."

You leaned forward and put your hands on the glass

"what does that mean"

"Well they are swimming somewhat independently, but they still stay together, forming a social group."

You nod at the new info and point to another group

"what kind of fishys are those?"

"These are are bluestripped snappers

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"These are are bluestripped snappers. They all swim in the same direction in a coordinated way."

You cocked your head to the side


"It's a fancy word for the same or altogether"

Jotaro held you on top of his shoulders as you wrapped your arms around his neck

"where are we going now?"

Your father smiled

"To my favorite exhibit"

//time skip//

Soon you two reached the dolphin exhibit

You looked over the open tank hoping to see some dolphins

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You looked over the open tank hoping to see some dolphins

"what kind of dolphins do they have here daddy?"

He sighed in happiness glad to find his child found marine life interesting

"A bottle nose dolphin, the genus Turnipos, are the most common and well-known members of the family Delphinidae, the family of oceanic dolphin. Bottlenose dolphins inhabit warm and temperate seas worldwide. They live in all oceans except for the Arctic and Antarctic Circle area."

You tried to retain all this new information while watching the tank looking for dolphins

"when are they gonna swim up to the surface?"
"anytime now"

And just like a cue several bottle noses popped up on the surface
You Jumpwd up and down with excitement

"look look!"

You pointed at the group of dolphins who were looking at their trainer

" Ah its feeding time for them"

Jotaro pulled out a Polaroid camera and handed it to you

"Here Y/N,take some nice pictures I can use for my next bottle nose dolphin presentation"

You nodded happily as you positioned the camera and snapped a picture of the trainer feeding one of the dolphins
Then another of two of the dolphins chasing each other
And one last polaroid of a dolphin jumping

//time skip//

You ran over to the gift shopped and looked around quickly since your dad had to leave for his next exploration

"hmm where is it?"

Jotaro waited outside the gift shop as his child browsed around looking for souvenirs to bring home
The tall man looked down at his journal as he wrote some notes and tapped down the pictures Y/N took earlier


You soon came out of the gift shop holding a bag

"is that all you got?"

Jotaro squat down to your height and opened the bag
Inside was a sea otter plush,a clown fish plush,a ocean coloring book and some post cards with different marine life on the covers

"I got post cards for us!So we can send them to each other when you're away!"

There was silence between you two and soon jotaro pulled you into a hug and petted your head

"Ill be back I don't know when but I will"

//time skip//

Your mother held your hand as you two waved to your father good bye

He gave both of you one last hug and one last kiss

"Dad wait, I have one more thing for you!"

He stopped and looked down at you as you pulled out a dolphin plush

His heart skipped a beat as you handed it to him and he held it

"Thank you y/n"

He knelt down and kissed your forehead one more time
He then ruffled your hair as he stood up and grabbed his bags

"I can't promise I'll write to you every day buy I'll try my best"

And with that he left and broaded his ship heading for Australia

Youre mom and you waved goodbye as the ship left the docks

As it left you felt your shoulders sulk and you sighed

"will he come back?"

Ayy I hope you guys liked that story I'm sorry that it had a depressing ending ;u;

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Ayy I hope you guys liked that story I'm sorry that it had a depressing ending ;u;

I'll take request still I guess???

I'm still working in stories but ya

Enjoy this till more chapters come

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