Run//Joseph Joestar//

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//just saying I'm not even trying to make this chapter intertwine into the plot of battle tendency just just let it happen//

You pumped your legs as fast they would let you
Running in boots made your feet ache but you couldn't stop you had to get to the town without getting killed

Why did your home have to be in such the far outer skirts of town

You felt the sweat fall from your forehead as you panted trying to keep your breathing under control

You heard the deep laughter behind you and it made you shiver,making you push yourself to run faster

//everytime any form of the word you is mentioned this story gets faster//

The heat of the night was getting to you now and started to make you feel dizzy

"n-no...i have to...keep going..."
You tripped and fell on your face

This made you yelp out in pain as you felt something warm run from your nose and felt a stinging burn on your knee

You sat up and held your knee looking at the raw skin and blood
You tried standing up but it was more pain on your knee causing you to fall back down

"well well such a young hamon user you are"

You huffed and huffed trying to breathe looking up at the men

They were Giants compared to yourself

One of the men with a black head wrap approached you and kneeled down looking at you

"Doesn't it scare you to be alone?No parents,well anynore"

You were shaking with much fear running through out your body

The man smirked seeing this

"nothing to say for final words?"

"I do!Kars pick on someone your size!"

You eyes widened as you saw two men suddenly appear

"Anyone ever told you it's not nice to pick on children?"

The one you assumed called Kars stood up slowly and looked over to the two men

"Ah jojo here to crash my little party I see"

the other man with Kars stepped forward to them but was held back

"Not now wamuu"

You tried standing slowly while they were distracted and turned to run when suddenly you were grabbed by your collar and yanked back with such force you thought you'd die from choking

Kars held you up by your collar and swayed you side to side to play with jojo

//Joseph pov//
"put her down Kars!"

jojo held his fist up as his friend Caesar prepared his bubble launcher

"Ill finish this!"

he ran forward but jojo threw himself at his legs causing him to trip

"don't be stupid Caesar he has the girl he might use her as shield!"

Kars smiled at them and went from holding the girl by the collar and by her hair making her yell out in pain

"You know what we're after jojo"

"ya ya the red stone Kars and you'll do anything to get your greedy hands on it!"

He glared at jojo as his gripped tightened

"Lemme guess your next line is gonna be 'tell me where the red stone is or she'll die!'"

"tell me where the red stone is or she'll die'"

Both pillar men seemed annoyed

"Look look how about this, a trade"
" I give you the stone for the girl"

Caesar looked at jojo in shock and whispered

"what are you doing stupido"

"quiet Caesar"

Kars pondered at the thought

"Do not take me for a fool jojo, I know you do not possess the stone,where's Lisa lisa"

Jojo looked down at the child who was struggling to breathe

He gulped trying to think of his next move

//your pov//

You calmed your breathing despite your pain

Remember the training

You closed your eye and focused all your energy

I only have one chance

You put all your Harmon you had left into your fist
You had to be quick and hope your attack would stun Kars long enough to release you

"Harmon punch!!"

You punched with all your strength and collided your fist with his side

You twisted your fist into his side as you felt your fist sinking into his side a bit

Kars looked down as he felt the burning of Harmon through his side

He yelled out in pain

"How could I be so ignorant!Forgetting this child is a Harmon user!"

You got the freedom you wanted but not because Kars released his grip from your hair

But because he threw you over to jojo and Caesar

"How could a child land such a strong hit?!"

You flew the air not yelling but struggling for air

That punch took all your Harmon energy you had left and left you gasping for air

//jojo pov//


He threw himself forward and slid on his stomach as he caught the falling girl

He sat up and groaned as he looked down at her

"Caesar shes not doing so well we need to go"

He stood up holding the girl close and looked over at the two pillar men who seemed enraged

"This isn't over Joseph!"

"Oh but I think it is"

Caesar pointed to the sun that was peaking over the horizon

"ha!Your time is up Kars"

Both pillarmen scoffed as the turned to run

"I will have my stone"

And with that they were gone and out of sight

Both jojo and Caesar sighed in relief that the sun came up so soon

"come on we need to get back to Lisa lisa"

God damn it I have to write a part 2 now because the chapter was getting really long wixixiixjx
I hope you liked this chapter ;w;
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