You Couldn't Beat A Pigeon //caesar//

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Reader chans age: 16

You walked alongside you're older brother,roaming the streets of Italy

Humming a soft song you leaned over to Caesar

"Brother are you still mad at jojo?"

He walked casually and cooly with his hands in his pockets

"I have every right to be"

You sighed and looked forward when hearing this

"Caesar you can't be so hard on him"

He said nothing and kept a straight and strong face

You tsked and shook your head

You sat on the edge of the fountain and bathed in the sun

Birds scuttled around on the group while groups of people and tourists filled the busy streets

You sat next to speed wagon who was trying to get the two men to make civil conversations

Hearing the barking back and forth made your head spin, annoyed you quite a bit

"You couldn't beat a girl"

"And you couldn't beat a pigeon!!"

You and speed wagon stood up and watched in awe and shock, unsure of what to do once a fight started

"Caesar stop being so temperamental!"

Your words didn't reach his ears

Watching the fight continue for a bit longer, Caesar launched himself in the air and readied his bubble blaster

"I have a technique sure to eliminate the pillar men!"

"What are you doing?! You'll kill him!"

Quickly you jumped into the fountain and in front of Joseph

Once in the water you calmed your breathing and manipulated the water to your command using your Hamon

"Y/N this isn't your fight!"

Yelled the worried speed wagon

Caesar launched his bubble blaster and sent it flying towards you and Joseph

You sent the column of water to knock the projectory of the blast off

The water and bubbles clashed with a loud smack

You kept your breathing still while trying to push against Caesar's blast,he was much stronger in Harmon then you but you weren't going to give up

After a few more seconds of struggling the bubble blast was sent up into the air, away from Joseph and you

You dropped the water back in the fountain and exhaled deeply

"Geesh that was a doozy"

Caesar held a girl close that he used to fight Joseph and glared at the two, especially you

You shifted uncomfortably and stared right back at Caesar

"Now you'll say 'signorina,I will lift my hamon spell' "

You furrowed your brows hearing this

Soon your eyes widened in shock as Caesar repeated what was said

"Signorina,I will lift my hamon spell"


You jumped onto the rim of the fountain and watched as your brother leaned down to kiss the women only to be met with a pigeon to the mouth!

Caesar fell down as the hamon filled pigeon wiggled about in his mouth

You couldn't help but laugh at him

Joseph crossed his arms and smirked

"Ill say it again, you couldn't beat a pigeon"

Caesar sat up and made angry grunting sounds

You walked over to Caesar and kneeled besides him

"How does pigeon taste?"

You asked while removing a feather from his jacket

"What a day"

I haven't anything in forever heck I'm sorry if this was boring and literally was straight from the episode with a few changes

Take this as a practice chapter 😝🙏

I'll take ideas and request Lmao
I have so many unfinished chapters rip

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