Hey Kid //Polnareff//

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Reader chans age: 16

You walked down the street with your hands stuffed in pockets looking forward
Blowing a strand of hair out of your face you turned your attention to a group of men walking into a cafe with a small dog running past them
You observed the five men ,the one with a column of tall white hair stood out most to you
Chuckling softly
"What a ridiculous hairstyle tsk tsk imagine the amount of effort that takes"

You stroll into the cafe,sneaking past the men and go behind the counter and take an apron,putting it on to blend with the staff of the small cafe
Today you decided why not rob a foreigner for fun and get a little extra cash for yourself,plus the adrenaline you got from doing such stunts was exciting,you could say you were an adrenaline junkie
You fixed your hair a bit and put your best smile forward,grabbing some menus you walked over to the table the group of men sat at

"I'm just saying that we can't keep our guards down for long!"
"Ah shut it old man we'll be fine for now just enjoy the down time"
The French man lit a cigarette and handed one to his friend next to him with the weird hat
Was his hair blending into his hat or was his hat blending in with the hair? You shook your head not wanting to think about it too much and remembered the task at hand

You gave each one a menu and did a small bow
"What will you be having for drinks gentlemen"
"Hmm....I'll take cola"
The man with a big red coat asked for the same as the old man
"Tea for me and him"
The man with a red noodle for hair ordered for him and the weird hat man
"Give me your finest water"
The French baguette winked and put his cig out on the table,you bowed and walked off to prepare the

Finest water my ass just for that I'm gonna rob him

A little while later you return of the tray of drinks in your hand and begin to pass out the drinks to the men
You stood there a bit,studying the French man,planning your next moves

He noticed you staring and waved giving off a big cocky smile

"I know I'm good looking but you can't just stand and stare all day!Maybe a picture?"
"Huh?wait no I wasn't-"
"Polnareff I'm tired of your yappin' sit down and shut the hell up"

You felt a little anxious hearing the weird hat man speak for once and it was scary

After a moments time the men prepared to leave

"Alright how about rock paper shoes on who pays this time?"

"I suppose one game couldn't hurt"

You smiled watching the men play a child's game what a bunch of idiots

All five recited at the Same time

"Rock paper scissors shoe!"


As luck would have it, polnareff lost the game and was forced to pay for the meal
Quickly you walked over holding a rag to clean up
As polnareff pulled out his wallet,you tripped causing you to go forward and push him down with you

"Oh no!"

You yelled

"What the hell you brat!"

"I-I'm sorry I must've tripped on my own two feet clumsy me!"

You locked eyes on polnareffs wallet that landed near you slowly but surely,you scooted over and pulled the wallet to you trying not to draw attention

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