Chapter 3: home sweet home

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"Mom, five more minutes please" I grunt as I feel her shaking me awake to get ready for school.

"Hey, kid we are here. Wake up" said a raspy old mans voice.

That's not my moms voice...

I open my eyes only to remember the previous events that occurred, the memories flooding back into my mind. The worst feeling coming back to me that I no longer had a mom to wake me up in the morning against my own will.

The plane ride from California to Maryland was long and rough I could not sleep since I have never been able to sitting up. This one time when  I was on a plane with my fam-

But before I could let any more horrible feelings about my dead family take control of my mind, I get distracted by an absolutely monstrous mansion right before my eyes.

"Woa" and a jaw drop is all I managed when I saw the sight of the size and beauty of the house...whoops...I mean... wait more like...CASTLE!

I am going to live here! I screamed in my head. 

"Alright kid get out of my taxi before I pull you out by your big toe" said the obnoxious taxi driver.

Geez man, lighten up

I stepped out of the taxi, pulled my luggage out of the trunk of the taxi and just stared at the house taking in every detail. The more I look at it, the more i started to think it might be bigger than the White House. 

The mansion is build out of a beautiful white stone and a grey roof. It has different levels of height in different places,their were huge pillars supporting the house in different places, and a gigantic swimming pool out to the right. a bunch of steps led up to double doors witch I assumed are the front doors. I started to think that this family is just filthy rich and the daughters in the house have got to be complete snobs, because that is how it is with the girls like that in the movies.

I managed to gather up a bunch of confidence and started to walk up the slick stone steps. I eventually got to the double doors and rang the door bell. A beautiful middle aged looking lady opened the door and a stunning smile took place on her face. 

"You must be Amelia. I'm Alice, the mom around this joint" said the amazing looking mother. She looked fantastic for having kids. 

I gave her a small smile and nodded. 

"Well come on in, babydoll, I'll call the boys down so you can meet them."


"Everyone, come down stairs to kitchen right now" Alice spoke in to a little speaker thing while holding a button. I was pretty sure it is called an intercom,  the house is so big that it needs an intercom? 

Right after Alice finished calling everyone in the house she brought me to the kitchen.

"Woa" is all I could say...again...

Alice laughed, clearly amused at my shock at the size of the kitchen. 

"Well, I think you have noticed" Alice laughed "We are rich...Billionaires to be exact. John, my husband, is the owner of Millers Creations and I am, well.. was, a very successful model. I got old and had kids so I had to quit." 

Millers creations! I know of that company they make so many different devices and the producs are so amazing. John must be crazy smart to have made that company. And with additional amount of money made with Alice being a model (and I am not surprised that Alice was a model, she looks fantastic) this family must has got to be BEYOND rich. 

Interrupting my thinking was the sound many pairs of feel running down the stairs.

How many kids do they have? 

I turned my head to the entrance of the kitchen I walked in earlier and saw.... Oh.My.God.

Ten boys...Ten boys that all look like Greek Gods. Even the two young ones standing in the front look extremly attractive for their age. 

How on earth am I going to live with ten boys?!


yay! an update!

Hope you like it! i know these are short chapters, they will most likley get longer over time 

i think the next update will be in at most a week

french fries and milkshakes!


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