Chapter 8: uncomfortable bed with wheels

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Thump, Thump

What is that noise?

Thump, Thump

Why is it so dark? 

Thump Thump?

Oh, maybe I should open my eyes. 


My eyes are staying closed. Okay, maybe I'll give it one more try. 

With great effort I manage to get my eyes open and look around to see a great amount of white. Great. just great. I have managed to get my sorry butt landed back in an uncomfortable bed with wheels.  

I lift my head to the sound the door to my room opening. 

"Great, you're awake. I'll alert you're mother." I then get confused, I don't have a mother, my mother died.  

I then make the connection that the thumping noise was the sound of my heart beat in my head.In no more than a minute, Alice and Sammy walk through my door and starts yelling.

"AMELIA HOW DARE YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT! Oh! I'm just so glad you are okay." Alice says very Bi-polar like startling me with a tight hug. 

This mother like behavior of yelling then saying that they are just happy you are okay reminds me of my mom, making me feels empty inside. She used to do that type of motherly action all of the time. "Miss. Glass you are cleared to go, I just wish to talk to you and your mother about something.

"I'm not her mother, I am Amelia's legal Guardian. I will be talking care of her for however long we need too." Alice spoke to the doctor, correcting him on the mistake he made twice. 

"You still need to listen since you are her guardian." The doctor directed at Alice. Then he turned to me. "Do you have an eating disorder, Amelia?" 

I hesitated slightly before nodding. 

"The reason you passed out is because you had no food in your system, you were weak, and as a result you fell and hurt your head.' I lifted my hand to my head to feel a bandage around my head. "To keep this from happening I strongly suggest you take therapy to help you, it is Mrs. Millers choice to place you in it and she will make the decision for you. This is a problem that needs to be fixed ASAP. I wish you the best of luck Amelia, I hope I don't see you in here again." 

I slip out of the hospital bed and wobble on my feet a little before taking a few steps. Alice hands me clothes from my suit case I brought from home. A simple sports bra, an over-sized sweatshirt and my most worn out pair of jeans. The most perfect clothes for right now. I love this woman.

Alice heads out into the hall waiting for me with the boys. As I slip on the clothes as I think a little about what the doctor had said. Everything he said was noting I haven't herd before. 

Back at home in California my mom did try therapy.... lets just say it did not end well.

"Amelia, are you ready to go, hun?"

"Yes" My voice comes out thick and horse, due to the fact that I have not used it since I have woken up. I step out the door into the crowded hallway.

"Let's go home, hun" Alice speaks soothingly pushing me towards the exit.

"Are you okay, Amelia? You scared me when you fell." Sammy grabs my hand and pulls trying to get my attention.

"Yes Sammy, I'm alright." I lie. I am not alright. I want to go home, with my family, with Maddie, Jenna and Scarlett. They would make me feel better. I'll call them when we get home.


"Oh my gosh, Amelia. You had to go to the hospital....Again!?" Maddie yells over the phone. I have my phone on speaker set on my stomach while I lay on my bed.

"Ya, I passed out while walking down the stairs this time." Honesty time: I have been to the hospital ten times. This visit makes it eleven. 

"Amelia, I love you so much, and I care about you, Jenna and Scarlett love you. Your anorexia may kill you, your death would kill me. Please go downstairs and go eat something." 

"I agree, You should eat something. It wouldn't be good if you died now, would it?" I turn my head to my door to see where the comment has come from. Chase is standing there in the doorway of my room, leaning against the wall, he looks as if he has been standing there the entire time I have been talking to Maddie. "You see", he continues, "It would be a real downer if you died", Chase winks and walks over to my bed and takes my phone from my stomache. "What's your name", he says to Maddie. I stare in shock as the nerve Chase has. 

"Uhhhhhhh, Maddie. Who are you?" 

"Has Amelia not informed you at the place she is living in now?", he says in fake pain, "She lives in the Miller house hold with ten boys aging from 23 to 5 years old. I am Chase Miller, I am 17 years old, I love soccer and feel free to look me up on Insagram and twitter." 

"I will, doing it now.....SWEET BABY JESUS YOU ARE HOT! oh... I mean...your abbs could be better." 

Chase gives me a cocky grin and keeps talking to Maddie, " My dear Maddie, today is the day we remind our sweet friend Amelia how amazing chocolate cake tasts like" I feel the blood drain from my face as Chase reaches for me and begins to carry me to the door. 

I hate this guy.

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