Chapter 6: the dinner of death

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I've herd there was a secret cord 

That David played and it pleased the Lord 

But you don't really care for music do ya 

My fingers fly over the strings of my guitar calming my nerves as I sing my favorite song from my childhood. 

Well it goes like this the fourth the fifth 

The minor fall and the major lift 

The baffled King composing 


Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah Halleluuuuuujah

Singing and playing guitar is how I release any bad emotion from my body. 

The door to my bedroom opens and I see five year old Sammy with wide eyes. I stop playing due to my sudden company. 

"Keep playing please" Sammy say

I was not going to sing and play guitar in front of people I met just that day.

"Why did you come in here?" I ask him. 

"Mommy wanted to let you know it's dinner time."  

"Oh, okay" I do not want to go to dinner, this family scares me. I've never been good around hot guys, and the fact I'm not exactly in the mood for food... 

Sammy left, but Logan turned around the corner of the threshold of my door. 

"Amelia, I want you to know that i have never heard a voice as pretty as yours."

I stare into space not exactly loking at anything, shocked at the complement I recieved. I have never recieved a complement on my voice before, especially from a sexy guy.

I really need to get over how attractive these men are.

I put my guitar in its stand and start talking to it like I always do when I'm nervous. 

"Periwinkle, what do I do?" That's right, I named my guitar Periwinkle because I can and wanted to. 

I think this is the part where I tell you I am anorexic.


"How about we have a question and answer session while eating so you guys can get to know each other" Alice says at the dinner table, proud of her idea. "Sammy, you can start."

Seriously? That seems rather cheesy.

I pick at my slice of meatloaf and peas, I have not had any and I don't plan on eating any. I only look up when adorable Sammy starts talking.

"How old are you?" Sammy asks. 

"Seventeen" I reply. 

"I'll go" starts brown eyed Blake " What are your hobbies?" 

"Singing, guitar, acting, running, and lacrosse". lies, well some of it is lies. I do love acting, singing, and playing guitar. However, I am usually to weak to run.

"My turn" declares eleven year old Phillip "What is your bra size? I'm guessing about a B or a C"

I stare at him taken aback from such a question.... from an eleven year old kid. But that's not what really freaked me out.... he's right, I am a C.

"Phillip! Not at the dinner table!" Alice yells turning red in the face.

"What's a bra?" Sammy asks with an adorable innocence. The question makes the entire table laugh, but the older teenage boys laughed harder then the rest of us. 

Alice takes Phillip by the arm and leads him out of the dinning room. I look back down to my uneaten food and continue moving the peas around. The china we are eating on looks SO expensive. It looks like something a royal family would eat with.

"So" Starts Chase, "Are you single?" The unexpected question makes me look up to stare at Chase directly in his chocolate brown eyes. I thought he was kidding, But the look in his eyes tells me otherwise. 

"Oh...Umm....Ya" I stutter unsure of what to say, I am single and always have been, but why is he asking ME that? 

Not wanting to deal with anymore embarrassing questions I ask if I can be excused to the oldest boy, Eddy who is twenty three, and leave. 

I head on up to my bedroom and turn on my laptop, then log into skype. 

I see that my best friend Maddie is logged on,so I send her a request to talk. Then she answers.

"Hey" I simply say feeling tired and weak. 

"Amelia, you look miserable. Have you eaten anything at all lately?" Maddie is one of the few people who knows I'm anorexic. 

I shake my head because at the moment  because talking seems like it would take too much effort.

"Amelia Glass, I order you to go to the kitchen of the house you are in and eat something in the fridge." I suddenly remember that she does not know where I moved, I'll tell her later, I'm not in the mood for explaining.

The wave of tiredness hits me even harder just thinking about walking. 

"No, I think I'm just going to sleep." And with that, I end the chat and crawl into my new bed for the first time and sleep in what I am wearing. 

Few thoughts cross my head before I sleep. 

How the hell am I going to live here


I feel like my stomach is trying to eat its way out of me


the song in this chapter is called "Hallelujah" originally by Leonard Cohen. I love it check it out

i give whoever is reading this a vitual cookie yum yum

fezzes and bowties


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