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Copyright 2012 Lindsay Covington


I was always unnatural. At least, according to mother and many, many other people. But who would have guessed exactly how "unnatural"?

Princess Azure Lark Letotia, but more recently known as just Aza. Years ago, Aza left comfy, rumor-run life at court as a princess to be who she really is: a warrior. She works with her friends Sefu and Flynn to stop the guys that nobody finds important enough to stop: the theifs, the murderers, the highway men. That is, until she truly discovers who she is. What she stands for. And what she will become.

Trapped in a land that has forgotton and denied it's own power, and called home to a court where she can no longer find trust, Aza must hone her own power and not be caught.

Prince Kaito of the Sun Lotus Empire travels to the well-known warrior kingdom of Letotia on behalf of his father, the Sun Lotus Emperor. His land has isolated itself from the rest of the world for a thousand years, allowing the Empire to keep what makes it extraordinary. With beliefs, background, and a land nearly as opposite as one could get to Letotia, Kaito comes as the precursor to the threat that awaits. 

Far to the north, in the Dark lands where the sun doesn't shine and the trees don't grow, a dark force is stirring, threatening both Letotia and the Sun Lotus Empire with it's malevolent intents. 


IMPORTANT: Please Read!

This is a rough draft, as in completely undedited so feel free to make edits and suggestions, but please don't be mean. This draft is subject to change, because it's really just an idea I got one day, not a real plan or anything so we'll see how this goes. Updates probably won't be regular because I have a lot on my plate between art classes, tennis and school, but I'll try!

If you fans have read some of my other stuff then you know that I like to experiment, but have trouble finishing, well I'd like to say THANK YOU for sticking by me! I'm sorry if I don't finish any of those other stories, but I am still learning and have a long way to go, so most of this is ideas and practice for me! But please comment and tell me what you think, what I can improve on etc. etc.

Thank you everyone who's reading this!

xoxo linz

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