Chapter Six: And Summer Begins

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Copyright @ Lindsay Covington 2012


Song for festival: See you Tomorrow by John Powell 

Song on side for after.

Chapter Six-------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>And Summer Begins

A gaggle of children ran by with bright sparklers clutched in their hands, giggling shrilly as they chased each other. I stepped back cautiously, not particularly keen on getting run over by the kids, but I wasn’t quite quick enough. With her skirts tangling her legs together, a little, dark haired girl all but flew off of her feet. Sparklers flying, I lunged to catch the child before she took me down with her and cradled her awkwardly to my legs, holding her in place while she stabilized herself. She pushed away, glancing at my face slyly, but afraid to meet my eyes.

“I’m sorry I ran into ya, miss,” she mumbled, looking at the ground. A painted, golden sun sparkled on her cheek and I smiled.

“It’s no trouble,” I said and lifted her chin, “you’re not hurt, right?”

“No miss!” She beamed at me for a moment, but her face fell, “But I lost my sparklin’ sticks,” she realized, shoulders slumped low.

“Hmmm...” My hand reached into the small money pouch I had hidden under my tunic, “Do you promise not to set anything on fire?” She nodded vigorously and I had to chuckle at her eagerness, “Well then, go get yourself the brightest sparkler you can find!”

She beamed at the two coppers I was holding up for her to see in my hand, “Really?” I nodded with a close-mouthed grin and dropped the coins into her hand, it was more than enough for ten sparklers, but she didn’t know that. “Oh thank ya, miss!” My face was a picture of shock, I’m sure, when she threw her thin, little arms around my knees. Moments later she disappeared into the crowd of townspeople yelling for someone named Marli.

“I never knew you had a soft spot for children,” Mae smirked beside me and steered us in the direction of the honey bun booth.

I rolled my eyes, “She caught me in a moment of weakness. You’ve already worn me down by using me as your own personal dress up doll.”

“Now that’s not true! If you’d let me do that I’d of put ya in a dress! A long, blue one! And I would have given you make up as well as heels.” My eyes widened in horror. I hadn’t worn heels in three years and the last time I had I’d nearly broken my neck on a long set of stairs.

“You wouldn’t.”

Mae looked me dead in the eye, “I absolutely would have.”

A shudder ran through my body at the very thought. Shaking my head to myself, I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the sweating vendor at the honey bun stall. Mae glanced at me and smirked, she knew what I was doing.

“Two please.” The snub nosed vendor placed the steaming buns on the counter, I slid over a copper coin and handed one of the buns to Mae. As I knew it would, the sweet smell of honey immediately cleared her head of all thought but the treat itself. I shoved a mouthful of the sticky bun into my mouth and moaned at the sweet taste, “this is so good!” Mae plucked a small piece from the hot bun and placed in her mouth. She nodded in agreement and juggled the sweet on her tongue, trying not to burn it.

“You play dirty,” She said around a mouthful of sticky, sweet goodness. 

I stuck out my tongue at her, “And you don’t?” 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2012 ⏰

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