The Chronicles of Dream....... Exotic Dancer

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Dorian sat on the bench in the back of the gym, with a damp towel over his head. He shakily tried to control his breathing as his thoughts flood his mind. Dorian thought hitting the punching bag would ease the tension that was forming a knot the size of cement block in his shoulders. His head swam, he could see himself literally drowning, going under over and over again, salty sea water burning his nose, filling his mouth and seeping into his belly. This must be what a panic attack feels like Dorian thought.

"fuck" he cursed softly. he shut his eyes tightly as he felt his throat tightening, trying to focus on the sounds around him. the clinging of metal, the grunts of men, the ceiling fan crying as it spun, a skipping rope hitting the ground, the flirty receptionist giggling, his own heart pounding, his breathing shaking.......

"hey man, you bust already?"

he peeked out from the towel to see a guy he met at the gym a few months back, guzzling down some gatarade, sweat pouring off him. he smiled weakly and shook his head.

"no dawg, just tryna stop thinking, i'm having one of those lives..."

"i know what 'cha mean, what's happening?"

"naw, nothing to talk 'bout." Dorian said and pulled the towel off his head and disturbing his locks, causing them to fall over his face, he flashed them behind him and massage his biceps.

"c'mon man, you look like shit." Alex laughed.


"thanks, man i'm broke like hell, 'bout to get kicked outa school, my apartment, and my dad aint helping me this time. I dunno what to do. "

"wow, sounds bad man, what you studying in college?"

"Accounting. well for now anyway."

Alex surveyed him for awhile, he sat beside him on the bench, staring straight he said a low tone.

"Would you be interested in making alot a cash, thousands of dollars in one night?

Dorian turned and looked at Alex, his thick brows knitted on his dark forehead,

"Doing what? something legal?"

"I'll tell you later, show up here, nine tonight ok. you listen if you're interested, you stay if not you leave ok? no strings."

"Dude, what is this? i ain't sleeping with you"

"Huh! ok thank God. i was worried there." Alex chuckled, " just be here by nine ok."

Alex slapped him on the shoulder and walked towards the locker-room. Dorian pulled his locks in a ponytail and sighed. What could it hurt he thought, my ass is broke.


Dorian slammed his car door shut, pulled his sweater tighter around him and climbed the Stairs up to Gym Muscle Head in Destiny Mall, Portmore. He knocked on the closed glass doors. Alex opened the doors with the keys in a minute, wearing only jeans. no shirt, no shoes.

"come in dawg."

Dorian wasn't quite sure what to think, the gym floor was crowdeded with at least a dozen well muscled men, only wearing jeans like Alex, no shoes.

"Hey guys," Alex announced loudly, "meet Dorian, he is here to check us out and hopely join." Alex smiled broadly, all the guys hailed him.

" What is this" Dorian whispered.

"chill man, this isn't any fishy business ok" one guy laughed

"watch this"\

someone flipped in a dvd and Dorian watched the screen in the far left corner of the ceiling light up, in a few seconds, the screen was filled with screaming women, he saw Alex come on a stage, in what was that? a gstring?

He said something and the women screamed so loudly he couldnt make out his words. Alex licked his fingers and twirled his nipples and bit his lips. He pretended to slip off his underwear, whined and gyrated on the stage. he grabbed his crotch and money began to fly onto the stage. some women groped him, he whined in their hands and licked his lips. he danced all over the stage and then jumped into the audience, girls scream and by the time he got back on stage his draws was loaded with cash and females' hands. the video was pause, but Dorian's mind was still running.

" we are kandy Men, Exotic dance Group. This is what we do, women love us, scream for us and pay us. Dorian you have the physique and the looks, do wanna be a kandy man?"

"Pay us lots." someone quipped

everyone snickered as the watched Dorian's expression.

"uhmm..... why the hell not.?"

The Chronicles of Dream....... Exotic DancerWhere stories live. Discover now