Chapter Thirteen: Emily

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When I wake up, it's to find myself curled in Will's humongous bed at the pack house. I yawn and stretch, relishing the soft, warm feel of the luxurious cotton sheets. I wonder how and why I'm here, thinking back to my last waking memories. All I can remember is getting ready for the day, then taking a phone call from Jilly. After that, everything is just a blur. I back-track to the phone call, struggling to think of what was said. When it finally hits me, I let out a scream, and then Will bursts into the room, running over to me and pulling me into a tight hug, stroking my hair and trying to comfort me. "It's okay, we're going to be okay," Will crooned over and over, but I know it isn't true, and that things would never again be okay, that my whole world would never be the same again. As I lay there clutching Will, his light grey shirt slowly drowning in my tears, I felt like that piece inside me that had been broken when Will left me, the piece of me that had been healed had just been broken yet again, and I wasn't sure if it could ever be fixed again.

 I finally stopped crying after an hour, too tired to weep anymore. I dressed in jeans, a white Jezabels t-shirt and a grey cardigan robotically, not even noticing what I threw on. After shoving my feet into a pair of grey Connies with rainbow laces I followed Will out of his room and into the labyrinthine halls of the great house, until we arrived at one of the many sitting rooms, where the rest of the pack and Mona had gathered to discuss the future. Will settled in a large deep red armchair at the head of the room next to Mona, and I sat propped on the arm of the chair, holding Will's hand. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, no-one knowing where to start. Of course, it was a hard decision to make, but I knew in my heart what I was going to do. Mona cleared her throat and stood up, catching everyone's attention. "Well, I thought I might start things off by welcoming you all to the meeting. Today we're here to discuss the administering of the cure to Will. Would anyone like to say anything?" she said, and looked round at everyone as she sat down. Colin was the first to take up Mona's challenge, springing up and saying, "I think it's ridiculous to even THINK of using this so called cure. We don't know what the effects could be, or even if it WORKS. Besides, we all know if Emily does this then she will become a wolf, and we also all know that if she does it she won't ever turn back. How is this fair? We can't condemn one of our own family to that kind of life, no matter how miserable we are. I say we don't do it. It's not the moral thing to do, and we all know it." With these aggressive words Colin sat down on the sofa he shared with Ben and Phil. I stared out the window, where the skies had just opened up and the rain began to pour down in silvery sheets. Jilly was the next to stand, and I slowly turned my head to look at her, wondering where she stood in all this. "We all know what will happen to Em if she goes through with this. We all know how this will affect them, and us. But I think that Will is lucky that he has such a caring, selfless girl that is willing to make this kind of sacrifice for him. If Emily is sure of this, sure that she wants to do this then I will stand behind her to the very end. Emily," Jilly said, the tears starting as she turned to me, "You're my best friend, and you have been since you first came here five years ago. I love you like my own sister, and to me you are one. I see you with Will and I know just how much you love him, and how much he loves you. I know you, and I know that this is what you want. If you do this, sure, I'll miss you so much, but I know deep down it's what you want. I love you, and I'll miss you, but if this is what you want, then I say go for it. You hear me?" she cries, and a single tear makes its way slowly down my face, and I stand up to hug her, my best friend who yes, is like a sister to me. We both sit down, and I look around to see Will smiling proudly at us, and Mona is sobbing silently into a handkerchief. I look around the wood panelled room. These boys, they have been my family for many years. They looked after me, laughed and cried with me, became like brothers to me. If there was some way I could save all of them I would, but if the best I can do is save Will then I will do it. Everyone looks at me, and I stand up, knowing the meeting won't end until I say my piece. "You know, ever since I came to Australia when I was five, I've felt like I never belonged. Every amazing place I went to, I only ever stayed there for half a year at the most, and I never felt like it was home, until I came here, and met all of you people. Each and every one of you have welcomed me into the family, and you are my family now. You are the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I drag myself out of bed, just so that I can see your beautiful faces. William Marksbury is the reason I continue to live and breathe, and I WOULD die for him. This cure, I will admit that it is a sacrifice of the highest order, but you know what? It's worth it, to know that Will is once again whole. When I'm gone, you all have to take care of him, and make sure the he gets out of bed in the mornings. Maybe he'll meet another girl that will fill the hole in his heart, even just a little bit. But you all have to promise me that you will make him go on living, no matter how broken he is. He is my all, my sun and stars and sky, and I WILL do this for him, no matter what you say. I love him, and in the end that's all there is to it." I tell them, and when I look around I see that everyone is crying. I sit back down, this time in Will's lap, and he wraps his arms around me, so that his hands dangle over my shoulders. I take his hands in mine, twisting them this way and that, and he plants a tender kiss on my cheek, the wet tears on his face smearing onto mine. I nestle back into his chest, knowing that this where I'm supposed to be, my place in the universe finally decided, only to be ripped away. There is silence as everyone digests what I have said. Then, Mona stands up, clearing her throat as she goes, and wiping away the tear tracks from her weathered, wrinkly face. "Now, I think we should put it to a vote. All those not in favour of using the cure?" Mona inquired, and Colin was the only person who put his hand up. "All those in favour?" Mona asked, and every hand in the room went up. I beamed in happiness, so glad that my one last wish was going to come true. I smiled at Jilly, who pointed behind me, a sad look on her face. I turned slowly around, and saw that Will hadn't put up his hand at all. "I'm sorry everyone, but I'm not going to do this. No matter how many times we vote, I am not going to go through with it, and risk losing Emily forever. I know you want to do this Em, but for the last time the answer is no." Will said, and my happiness came crashing down around my ears. I stood, and without speaking I ran out of the room, and out of the house, and into the rain, which immediately drenched me.

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