CH 8 |

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"It was Jake, wasn't it," I thought as I walked to the assembly hall.

I saw many students walking towards a building so I am just following them, assuming it's the assembly hall because unfortunately this school is a lot different than our one so following is my best option.

I enter the giant building and rush to sit on the first empty seat I could spot. Apparently I was quite late. The chairs were all allingned in straight lines. All the students got up and sat back down as the teacher, which I am assuming is the principal, came on stage. I was seated on the last chair of the row so I could hardly see anything.

The teacher came on the stage, wearing striking black pants and a plain black shirt with a too-bright-for my-eyes yellow blazer over it.

"Hello students. Welcome to Green Valey Institute. Its been a few days since school started and I hope you all are having fun. Your schedules are ready and have been transported to your rooms. To whoever who is new to this school, you can ask our new head boy, Jake Lawrence if you are lost or don't know where your classes are. Thank you." With that, she left the stage with elegance as if she had been practicing that all day.

Another teacher came on the stage to give further instructions.

"I would like everyone to go their rooms now and collect their schedules. Then you all can meet up at the canteen to have breakfast. Your classes will start at 10", she said on the mike and then went off the stage to guide everyone to their rooms.

I had no idea where my room was but I bet I am about to find out. After all, I have friends in this school.

I was just following some girls when I heard a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find a face that I would rather not see. A girl wearing a short, black mni skirt and a white tank top faced me, smirking evily. Her face was covered with heavy makeup and her contacts made her eyes too bright for me to look at.

I just quickly faced forward to avoid eye contact and she shrugged and walked alongside.

"What's up? And what in the freaking world are you wearing?", she grabbed my arm to stop me, giving me a quizical look and pointing at my dress.

"What about it?", I ask casually, continuing to walk forward as she left my arm and crossed it, resting it in front of her chest.

"Its all black Av. What the hell? You never ever wear black." She states, giving me a have-you-gone-mad.

Did I not? Because if I remember correctly, I didn't wear anything other than black. This other Avery is definitely the complete opposite to me. I don't know but I feel quite happy today. May be it's just because someone's talking to me. Nicely I might add. Its better than cunt, loner, loser.

"You better change when we go up to your room", she said as she grabbed my arm and together, we scurried along towards another building which clearly haf GIRL'S DORMETRIES written on it in big bold letters.

Woah. This is going to be a very exciting year.


I silently sit on the huge double bed that is placed in the centre of the room.

The brown timber wood cornered the bed's soft mattress.

Two bedside tables completed the whole bed area.

A study table sat right across from me with a fancy lamp placed on top of it.

I am sharing this apartment with my so-called best friend Julia.

She's gone to the bathroom to change. As she got very sweaty. Sweaty from walking 200m. Woww.

Anyway, in the meantime I decided to look at my schedule.

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